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Best place to run cable from headunit to boot??

  Clio 182 built in Sat Nav
Hi people,

Whats the best place to run 3 sets of RCA's, a remote and a power cable from the batt from my dash into the boot where my nice new Genesis amp is waiting??

In my 182 i have noticed the plastic trim by the door sills, it seems hollow behind them, can you get access to them??

any help would be appreciated

  A number of clios
ive run mine under the dash then down the passenger side door sill then under the back seats ull cant see em mate
  Clio 182 built in Sat Nav
cheers guys,

since I bought my clio 6 weeks ago the help i have got of this site has been amazing. thanks for all the good info.


ps if anyone wants some very cheap sat nav disks get in touch!!
