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Best & worst mobile you've had.

I'm expecting loads to say iPhone is the best, I don't know as I don't have one.

Worst, nokia N73 as it used to crash all the time.

Best, SE w800i, i'd never had an SE phone (always been a nokia man) I still have it somewhere.

Just got an N79, so hopefully i'll like that :)
Best phone samsung D600 , lol i still use it now , not really much of a gadget person tbh .
Bought the lad a new samsung tocca that looks quite impressive .
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Worst: Some old £20 samsung about 5yrs ago.

Best: SE W850i or W810i. No nonsense, no fuss, and the W810i was unbreakable.

Hopefully getting a Nokia 5800 so hope that tops the "best".


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
Best phone ever is my k850i which i can't see myself trading in any time soon!

Worst ever was my old Dancall mobile which I got 13 years ago haha
  Mondeo ST220
Best: Toughy between the iPhone and Nokia N95.
Worst: Motorola V3 razor or whatever it was called.
  ITB'd MK1
Best: Nokia 6300, Ran it over with a scenic, still worked lol (new 6500 is a very close second)
Worst: Philips Savvy

Not one for gimmic PDA type phones, if i can feel it in my pocket, it's too big
  PH1 iceburg
Best. S.E K800i
Worst. S.E W890i, current phone and it crashes daily even with software upgrades
Best: Nokia 8850(gold)
Just a f**king gangster phone


Worst: Nokia 7600


Best Nokia N71 ( Present) ......soon to be replaced with the n97

Worst Motorolla Razr 1st gen.

Most memorable Motorola startac


Not really sure about best. The N82 I've got has been pretty spot on, as were all my old Nokia phones.

Worst was by far the SE K700i. I had one when it came out and it was bugged to f**k, in the end I swapped back to a basic Nokia.
  Ph1 track 172
Best has got to be the 3210!!

worst has been sony erricson in general, had a k500, and a k750, always breaking,
and every time i got them back, theyd been wiped, never getting another sony erricson
  Petrol Blue 182.
Best: SE W900i (Fecking loved that fone, gutted when it packed up :()

Worst: Some Samsung touch screnn shite
  120d M-Sport
Hard 1 for me, ive had over 300 phones so god knows lol probably...


1. Nokia 8800 Sirocco 18k Gold Edition
2. Nokia 7250
3. Sony Ericsson T650i


Samsung I300 which has windows mobile and a 3gb HDD. Battery life lasted 10minutes :dead: Was shocking!! No phone was ever as bad as that!! Lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
best= se w900i in white absolute machine at the time and i've just bought one off ebay again! awesome! camera puts 5mp to shame!

worst=prada touch probably although it looked lush and I do miss it!
Best: Nokia 6100


Worst: Motorola rizr z3


Although I am enjoying the SE G700, but the 6100 was awesome when it first came out!

Best: Nokia N95 8g. Quick and does the job.

Worst: Nokia N96.... Take for ever too boot up and always crashing and freezing.
Although... It has better build quality as it has withstand my ''Throw against the wall tantrums'' quite well....
  Polo Bluemotion
Best: The samsung D900 i had a few years ago. Almost indestructable.

Worst: Nokia 6280, as it got some odd virus, that enjoyed texting everyone in my phonebook

Most memorable: Its a toss up between The s/e T28 (the very thin flip phone, that a button on the side to open the flip) or my very first phone, the s/e PF768(in grey). From what i can remember, it was the first payg handset to use a sim as we now know it. The others at the time had full credit sized cards that you slotted in the phone
Best is hard to say, worst by far is my current k850i, biggest heap of s**t I've ever had the misfortune of owning. Constant freezing, kernel panics, crashing, shutting down and restarting. As of yesterday it's decided that one of the touch sensitive parts of the screen is down at the bottom of the keypad making texting nigh on impossible.

I had bought numerous SE phones over the years but the K800i put me off and this K850i is the final nail in the coffin, I will not be buying another one!
  120d M Sport
Best- Sony Ericsson K800i cannot beat these
Worst- Sony Ericsson K850i: never bought this but had the pleasure of inherting TWO broken ones from my gf lol

Current phone- Samsung Soul
