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Best & worst mobile you've had.

  Fiat Bravo Active TJet
Best I've had is my BlackBerry Storm (currently have) or the 3310

Worst by far was the LG Viewty... its w**k.


ClioSport Club Member
Best - Nokia 6230I, 6100 or SE W810i. All because they did what they did very well, and were small easy to use phone.

Worst - SE K850i. Actually been an OK phone, but has decided to start freezing up, cutting calls and generally being sh1t, so have just got rid to use my Mrs' old K810i for the next 6 weeks.
  Nike Lunar Elite's
Best - iPhone or 6300 (obviously for completly different reasons)

Worst - 6630 (having to put it in a stupid dock to make video calls and being an early Symbian phone it was constantly crashing) or BT Cellnet Philips C12 - old school >

  Formally Clio 182
Best is the iPhone.

Worst is the Nokia 7600.

Here's why (you can imagine how hard it is to text!)

Best - W800i until it went through the washing machine

Worst - First "phone" I got bought - had to use the headset to make/receive calls.
  421 Cammed 172
Best : either the nokia 3210 or 8310

Worst : Either the Samsung U700 OR Blackberry Curve 8310

Had nothing but problems with the blackberry, been off for repair 3 times in the 8 months ive had it and its broke again today. Im not settling for repairs this time im after refund. U700 Was just as bad, Flex kept breaking and screen would go blank.

They Just don't make them like they used to!!!
  BMW M135i
Best: Tie between a Nokia 6680 because it was bloody indestructable (smashed 4 cases and the guts still worked fine) and the N95.

Work: Motorola V2288. Wow fm radio and wap novelty, just a pitty it did fvck all else.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
My best is my current Vario 3 it does everything, but looking back at older phones my Sony CMD Z5 was superb. Loads better than the 8210's of the day.

Worst was some old Vodafone pay as you go crap when pay as you go first came out. 10 years this year as it happens lol.
