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Blackberry Storm 2

  Titanium 182
Anyone got any experiences with the above phone.

There are some rather good deals out there at the min and this look promising, as I am refusing to pay the stupid prices they want on the iphone traiffs
I went to voda and had a good look round it and used it for a bit of surfing, texting and emailing and liked it a lot.

The clicky screen is not for everyone, but I found it great. Responsive, quick and easy to use. It will probably be my next phone and on an 18month contract at £40pm with lots of mins/texts, internet and blackberry mail the phone is free.
  Not a 320d
Good phones my friend has one, little heavy IMO, i prefer the bold as i cant stand the touch screen (cant stand any touch screens) batterys good though and it does things aklmost instantly, no waiting time to load stuff really.
Voda have stopped doing the Storm 2 online now, I guess its because they are offering the iphone and there new '360' service on samsung handsets.

o2 getting Storm 2 in the next few weeks.
