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Blackberry - Which One

  Bus w**ker
Depends when you are looking to buy and what you want.

The Bold is the most technologically advanced BB on the UK market at the minute, but it's camera simply sucks ass. The Tour, which isn't out yet, is nice and has a better camera, bigger screen more on board memory but missing Wifi and backlighting and the keyboard is smaller.

The one to hold out for is the Onyx, rumoured to be out next month on Orange, which is really the new second generation Bold (9700). It's basically the current Bold with all the best bits from the Tour and some other models. Much improved camera too.

If it were me and I could hold out for a few months I'd be waiting for the Onyx/Bold 9700, if not then the Bold 9000 would be the choice for me over all the rest, including the Tour.
  Bus w**ker
The Curve? Seriously? lol

It has a much slower processor than most of the range, no 3G and a smaller battery capacity than most other BBs. Only advantage over the Bold is the camera. IMHO the Tour will kill the Curve off and the Onyx/Bold 2 will piss over them both.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lol at the curve, you have got to be joking?

Bold unless like symon said you can wait a bit. The nokia n97 is some piece of kit also.

I don't like orange and the onyx will be a bit of a wait for vodafone.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
no. you have to be joking. the 8900 curve is superior to the bold in everyway.

3g is a waste of space anyway, makes f**k all difference to me.

BOLD: the OS runs faster, it's much thinner and lighter and the battery last for bloody ages prob cause it runs on EDGE. mine lasts at least 4-5 days compared with 1-2 on the bold. Better camera and even the screen is a nicer shape. It has a seperate button for locking the keypad. the bold is bloated, slow, fatter, heavier with a s**t battery.

The 8900 also looks btter imo.

I have both (i am the only blackberry admin at my office) and i was forced to use a bold for two weeks whilst on holiday. Now i f**king hate the thing.

  Revels Mum & Sister
LOL have you NEVER updated the Firmware on a Bold? Mine is not bloated, slow. Heavier? Honestly we are talking grams.

3G is far from a waste of space IMO. I have used it a lot out and about when I needed to use Google Maps, Sat Nav, Web Pages. My Bold gets used a fair amount and the battery lasts longer than 2 days.

With regards to the locking. Ummm Map a side button to do it for you hardly rocket science.

I do not see how you can hate the bold so much when it is pretty much the same as a Curve well in the way it operates.
  03 RS clio 172 flameR
i sell um all day long, and have had them all, the 8900 is legend, those who say its not 3g.... oh dear, blackberry uses data compresion system and the net is though the blackberry portal, not the voda, orange etc so its nearly as fast, plus 3g is the biggest battery drainer on earth, and the bold needs to be suplyed with a craine to get it out the box, storm = NO! and im yet to try the gemini (8520) but if you want the REAL blackberry experiance, 8900, but im talking about the phones that are out at the moment
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
of course i have, i am bb admin yeh. its so much slower, stick a 16gb memory card in there and see how s**t it is loading it up. the menu is much snappier on the curve. its got more ram than the bold, the bold has a quicker cpu but it doesn't compensate.

3g is so overrated. EDGE runs emails internet fine with the help of the compression system, gps work brilliantly on both devices so thats irrelevant.

so far i've RMA'd 12 bolds no curves all for s**tty batterys and 1 random one for the mic going. we have around 110 bb's here. all newish.

i literally have the choice of any bb i want i've used them all - a lot. curve wins over and over just my experience mind you. maybe u have a newer bold than the ones we have or something...........................
  03 RS clio 172 flameR
of course i have, i am bb admin yeh. its so much slower, stick a 16gb memory card in there and see how s**t it is loading it up. the menu is much snappier on the curve. its got more ram than the bold, the bold has a quicker cpu but it doesn't compensate.

3g is so overrated. EDGE runs emails internet fine with the help of the compression system, gps work brilliantly on both devices so thats irrelevant.

so far i've RMA'd 12 bolds no curves all for s**tty batterys and 1 random one for the mic going. we have around 110 bb's here. all newish.

i literally have the choice of any bb i want i've used them all - a lot. curve wins over and over just my experience mind you. maybe u have a newer bold than the ones we have or something...........................

if you have 110 are they running on a bes (blackberry enterprise server)?

if so the firmware is updated automaticlly by the server, where as a standard consumer would use a BIS handset, which would need to have manual firmware updates, not that it makes any difference, if there wasnt a 8900 id use the old 8310... ie, the god of blackberrys
  Mk2 Golf GTI
The curve is an awesome phone. Anyone who says otherwise has obviously never owned one. It's a good looking piece of kit, sleek, does everything you'd want tbh.

I dont find the lack of 3G a problem in the slightest. The only sites i browse on the net really are forums and EDGE more than handles them. Especially when using the bolt browser or opera mini. But even sites like the news etc are no problem. I did a comparison of the browser speeds before.

Youtube is unusable on it but tbh i rarely use it on my computer, let alone a phone.

The Bold may look better on paper but tbh i cant imagine needing anything that it offers over what the curve has.

The onyx looks good but will probably be expensive at first.

BTW it's the curve 8900 i have, not the newer one with the optical track pad. The new one has worse camera etc. I got it free with 400 mins, unlimited texts and internet for £20 p/m on orange. They wanted £100 for the bold, which is no way worth it.

Apparently call quality is better on the 8900 too but i haven't tried a bold so cant compare.
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  Dirty E91
Curve has wifi as well, the GPS works well, 8900 is a nicer size as well imo, the 9000 is quite bulky.

For what it's worth the 8900 is the most popular BB where I work and we get through quite a few.
Thanks for all the advice, I'm no better off!:S

Well, In was thinking iphone until Orange offered me a great deal to stay....although I haven't quite finished my negotiations just yet!

Buy a 3GS on Pay As You Go, and unlock it, use your orange Sim in it. Thats what I done.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
What Justin said. The 3GS is everything the Blackberry aspires to be in a personal phone. The iPhone has catching up to do in terms of a business device but for a personal phone the Blackberry really only works when you're teeing off.
  Revels Mum & Sister
I use my Blackberry for emails with work but mainly for personal use. All I ever do is sometimes use the Browser, GPS on occasion, text, email, calls. The full size qwerty is what does it for me.

The 3G iPhone literally spends most its time in my desk draw. Only out now for Spotify. I am waiting for the Onyx
Iv just bought the 8520 Curve and think its great

Touchpad instead of trackball which i prefer.

Only downside i think sometimes is the battery life, i need to charge it every night as i use the internet on it alot.

Really good phone other than that
  Not a 320d
Well im due an upgrade in a month and it looks like im getting a bold, but i dunno if i should wait until the end of the year to get this new failberry.
  Audi TT
Onyx looks great. All those saying the bold is a brick etc.... At least it feels like a nice piece of kit as opposed to all plasticky like the 8900.

Bold keyboard owns the curve efforts as well.

Must say the new touchscreen on the Storm 2 does look very interesting. Will be keen to have a play when they're released properly.


ClioSport Club Member
I got a bold last month, no point in waiting for the next thing since you will be waiting forever, i just get 12 month contracts instead :D

Anyway its a nice phone, email and internet are both excellent and the keyboard is a dream to use.

Only problem ive had is i dropped it and the silver bevel dints really easily and looks crap.
  Bus w**ker
Bold 2 is rumoured to be released next month on Orange... So I'd wait, it's only a phone at the end of the world.

I've dinted my Bold on the Bezel too, if I could be bothered I'd replace it...but I can't.
  Bus w**ker
Out next month on Orange you say. Why is this new one so good then ? Im not keen on the idea of this track pad thing.
Only a rumour from the Blackberry nerd sites, so it could be wrong. But if you can wait, no matter what people are saying in this thread; the current Bold pwns the rest of the current range on spec and usability. The Bold 2/Onyx is the Bold but updated and much improved, no other Blackberry comes near its spec or speed.

Or, just to throw a cat amongst the pigeons, the iPhone is rumoured to be getting released across the UK providers towards the end of this year (said to be November but I doubt it TBH due to no advertising from the other providers)...if you would prefer that. Should see the price of it plummet and some decent contracts come about for it.
  Not a 320d
Nooo i hate the Iphone. I will wait the remaining 2 months on my contract, and when it ends see if the Bold 9700 is out. Thankyou.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
just got the 8520, not sure about the new touchpad thing...quite hard to get used to. 8900 still number 1 atm.
  Revels Mum & Sister
I bought a 8250 as I wanted to try the Trackpad. I really like the trackpad but the 8250 just feels way to cheap compared to my Bold.

Will punt this one off on Ebay and then my bold when the Bold 2 comes out. My contract is due to end in 1 month as well.

Going to flog the iPhone I have hear as well. Just gathers dust!
  Clio 200
Bold for me, had blackberrys for a long long time & pretty much gone through them all & the bold has impressed me so far. For those who say 3G doesnt make a difference trust me when I say it really does!
