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Blood boiler- Has it happened to you


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Typical of the Port TBH!!!

(Joke Jamie!!!)

It wasnt a silver 172 was it?!???:eek:

Again it wouldnt be fair to say...

I echoe Daniel- Integrity is the key word - it doesnt really exist any more-
Im a bit old fashioned...



  Clio 197
If someone is spending almost £100 on train tickets they are serious and should be given the benefit of the doubt. If the other person is that keen they'd prob. be happy to wait till the end of the day.

If the potential buyer finds the car to be a shed then it's their problem if they have wasted a train ticket. If your car is as advertised waiting for someone to come and see the car shouldn't be an issue as they'll want to buy it after viewing.


ClioSport Club Member
Typical of the Port TBH!!!

(Joke Jamie!!!)

It wasnt a silver 172 was it?!???:eek:

Lol, I wrote mine off a couple of weeks ago. Happy to sell that for a couple of k ;)

If you had seen the car and agreed to buy it and put a deposit down then he shouldn't have subsequently sold it.

If not, then it's fair.
Each to their own. I don't consider a buyer serious until I've recieved a deposit. Had you paid a deposit, it's a different matter. You mentioned paypal, but what about a bank transfer? Or paying money into his account? I've had people say they are 100% buying the car, then not turn up. If I've taken a deposit the cars sold in my eyes, but not until then.

+1. To be fair, theres too many feck abouts when trying to sell a car, I had more than my fair share when selling the clio.

It´s life. It´s annoying and I understand your frustrations, but the car selling game isn´t fun.
  Sunflower Yellow Ph1 172
thing is with finances as they are its hard times for people, if he was selling the car as he NEEDED the money he is going to bite the hand of the 1st person to show the money.

How many times have you tried to sell a car and someone is travelling a fair distance then they try knock you down when they see the car in person, saying knock £200 off to cover my travelling, or the classic ive got £xxxx.xx in cash to take it now but never quite the asking price.

IMO 1st person to show me cash money in person for the asking price gets the car, if this was the case and the person had turned up unexpectedly i would call the person who was going to travel down later that day asap to advise them the car has gone but weather its by phone or email wont change the fact they have spent money on train ticket etc
  Titanium 182
I bought my car from Steve and he went out of his way to meet me with and as did I, so I can see how pissed off he is!

Although I wouldn't do that. :star:

ps. Dude your like a RS clio dealer.... :rasp:


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Seller has every right to do that but he is morally in the wrong though.

Sums this thread up really....

Cheers- plenty more Clios in the sea- I just got a £58 REFUND FROM VIRGIN AS WELL :D ( - £10 ADMIN)

  Honda & VW
im with this, sorry fella

I'm all for getting as much as you can for a sale but i also agree with being fair, if you agree a viewing with someone you shoudl at least allow them to do so first before agreeing to any more especially prior to the original agreement.

Granted he may have previously agreed with the guy who bought it that he could come view the car but if he was aware how far a second guy was willing to travel he should have been courtious enough to tell him of the first chap.

There's no way that a new buyer suddenly appeared with cash without the seller organising a viewing.

If (like Daniel etc have said) the old saying was still about today 'a mans word is his bond' then we'd never experience w*****s like this seller in question.
Sums this thread up really....

Cheers- plenty more Clios in the sea- I just got a £58 REFUND FROM VIRGIN AS WELL :D ( - £10 ADMIN)


I hope I don't add to your woes but recently I went to pick up a 197 and Virgin double charged me for the journey and I have been waiting three months and still no refund. You've had your share of bad luck so I hope it works out for you.
  Ph1 172; MX5
Lesson? You buy the seller as well as the car.

I've bought quite a few cars from England which have required both a leap of faith from myself as well as the seller and to be honest if I thought they were the sort of person who would sell something out from under me I wouldn't travel, simple as.

Normally I ask nicely and explain myself in saying that this isn't a scam, etc, many Irish people buy used cars in the UK and that I've been buying performance cars my entire driving life, don't f**k around, have a track record with emails and forum posts to prove and if I'm happy, job done, all I'm asking is a bit of faith and perhaps a lift from the airport. It's always worked so far, so if you've half a brain and a tiny amount of trust in people you'll be fine.

I've sold stuff out from under people who haven't responded to several voicemails, texts and emails only for them to arrive at my door going 'where's the car I said I'd buy' and not being able to understand that I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
Flol that the seller hasnt had the balls to post in this thread though!

I call bulls**t... most likely the seller was hiding something and hence not wanting to defend themselves in this thread... IE the car was sold ages ago/never sold etc etc
I agree with Steve on the whole, but due to the complete lack of integrity and manners of people nowadays, I also see where Warren is coming from.

I've bought cars for £1500 before now just to honour my word when in reality they were not as described and I should have walked away.

My personal opinion is a mans word is final. You make a commitment, you stick to it. If everyone adopted this policy, the world would function a lot better!!

Yep, if you make a commitment, stick to it.

A female friend was trading in her car to get another, but needed a bit more money for it really, and I was looking for a car, so I said I'd offer her "x" for it, and she was happy about that. I hadn't really looked over the car, I had just seen it when she had been in it.

Turnt out that it needed a bit of work, and maybe I was paying slightly over the odds for it, but I bought it anyway as I had said I would. Can't go f**king people about.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
As bad as a trader agreeing a price on a car with a seller over the phone, getting the seller to drive it up to them and haggling on the price.
  Bumder With A Buffer
I bought my Monaco off someone on here many years ago.

Went down to view it and didnt have NO money what-so-ever on me. Said I would be back next weekend with a bankers draft to buy the car (settled on 8600 I think). I was shitting my pants all week in-case he sold it but luckily he was a sound guy and didnt. Im sure he was thinking the same as me.

Also I sold my missus car to a guy recently..he lived local offered us £50 short of asking price and said he would pick it up the next day. He wanted to leave a deposit so i didnt sell it and i said no dont worry im not going to sell it beofre tomorrow..he was texting me all night assuring me he would have it (making sure I didnt sell it)...why would I sell it?? I took his word and he took mine :)

Wouldnt be the end of the world if he didnt come back anyways.
  Clio v6
Indeed a testing past few weeks for you Steve. This is a right pain in the arse.

Keep at it.

I agree with the OP. You forwarded him confirmation of your train ticket. That to me is as good as a deposit because why wouldn't you turn up. I had to pay nearly £100 for train tickets to get my 172 off Alex. The deal was sorted a week or so before, we both stuck to our word and everything went smoothly. However the only thing that could realy go wrong is for the buyer. The seller has nothing to lose because you've travelled to them, they have nothing to lose.

Seller is very out of order imo.
  Mini Cooper S sport
What an asshole. Can't believe that someone people agree with what the seller did, so many selfish t0ssers in this world.

I'd never do that to someone, I'd at least have let them see the car first. E-mailing the details of the train ticket shows they're a serious buyer.

If someone else wanted to buy it in the meantime I'd arrange a later time for them to view it.


ClioSport Club Member
It's a bit funny this thread got bumped up as a car I had agreed to buy (A Trophy) several weeks ago was sold prior to me turning up. Despite the fact we had lengthy negotiations and agreed on a price it was sold to someone "local". That someone "local" who turned up with cash was a certain Steve (op).

It wasn't Steves fault but I was pretty gutted espeically since we had agreed terms and all I got was a text to say it sold. I sent him a s**tty email telling him how it was and I knew the buyer and he wasn't local at all. F**ked me right off. However, if someone was giving me £7k I know I would have taken it there and then too. I guess it was the dishonesty as I am not naive and know how business works but was left disappointed.
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ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Makes me laugh how everyone slatyes car dealers.

The general public are even worse. Money brings out the worst in people i'm afraid.
  Mini Cooper S sport
If you had seen the car and agreed to buy it and put a deposit down then he shouldn't have subsequently sold it.

If not, then it's fair.

It's a bit funny this thread got bumped up as a car I had agreed to buy (A Trophy) several weeks ago was sold prior to me turning up. Despite the fact we had lengthy negotiations and agreed on a price it was sold to someone "local". That someone "local" who turned up with cash was a certain Steve (op). It wasn't Steves fault but I was pretty gutted espeically since we had agreed terms and all I got was a text to say it sold. I sent him a s**tty email telling him how it was and I knew the buyer and he wasn't local at all. F**ked me right off.

Did you put a deposit down? If not, then according to you what he did was fair. Or have you changed your mind now that you've been shafted?

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
I suppose its a bit sharp practice on the etiquette of general private car sale.

I got a car sold underneath me once by a dealer (172 Cup) Im not sure what was funnier, the abuse the salesman took off the old boy or the fear in his eyes lol...

Never mind mate, whats for you wont go by you etc


ClioSport Club Member
No I still think it's fair and I was quite carefull with my wording in the thread actually, as nowhere did I say he shouldn't, merely that it f**ked me off. But I guess you just wanted to jump in there and shout har-de-har? Ohh well, probably should read things a little more before diving in.

I have to say I am not naive and understand business and I even said I would have done the same in my post which didn't come through in your quote as I added it after when re-reading.

The reason why I felt annoyed was he said I would be the first to see and wouldn't let it go until I saw it. This was on the Wednesday iirc and had agreed to see it Saturday morning and we had discussed money and deposits but that's irrelevant to what I was saying.
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  Black Gold Trophy
Well I personally say a deposit holds the car rather than word of promise, but seeing as you offered him a deposit I can't see why he would refuse?

Thinking about it I probably wouldn't accept paypal unless the perspective buyer offered to compensate for paypal taking 20% or whatever it is!

I would have atleasted phoned to tell you though
  ibiza cupra
can see it from both sides and if i was on either then i would ether be pissed at waisting the money or sell the car as soon as the money is in front of me. not really the sellers fault though. just one of those things. should of insisted on leaving a deposit though if traveling all that way


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Just do what I do now.

Everything is for sale until you pay for it. I don't care if you're coming from Denmark or the next village along. Until i've got payment in my hand, the car is still for sale. No dibs, no holding it until the weekend, no waiting. If you want it, you'll buy it!

I don't trust anyone. Imo, you're all c***s unless you prove me otherwise. That way I won't set myself up for a fall.

(This only aplies to business, not people day to day! Although I am slowly starting to think....)
  Mini Cooper S sport
No I still think it's fair and I was quite carefull with my wording in the thread actually, as nowhere did I say he shouldn't, merely that it f**ked me off. But I guess you just wanted to jump in there and shout har-de-har? Ohh well, probably should read things a little more before diving in.

Not 'har-de-har' so much, I just wondered if you saw things differently after it happened to you. If you think it's fair, why were you so fucked off and sent him a shitty e-mail?

Yeah it's business, but it's a s**t way to treat people and I wouldn't do it myself.
