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blue 182 0003 *** high wycombe and marlow

  clio 172 cup, aprilia rsv
was in my work van behind u as u went up marlow hill bouncing off the limiter! lol in a rush 2 get sumwhere?? ;lol cut it a bit fine coming onto the bypass on the merge! u kno u got a brakelight out aswel?
  Arctic Blue FF 182
Transit with a rear cage? Just touched the limiter, haha. No chance, there was loads of time on the merge to be Strangely enough I wanted to get to work early as I needed to move the race truck which we abandoned in the middle of the yard (Another brake light!! Which side this time? cheers)

You often going that way at that time?
  clio 172 cup, aprilia rsv
yeh pretty much every day m8, have 2 be out the exchange on eastern street by 7.30. i was in a transit with the box on the back and openreach livery lol. i think it was your rhs light from memory but cud b wrong! lol where bouts do u work?
  Arctic Blue FF 182
Brake light replaced!Cheers!haha!

I work in Henley, so now the schools have broken up going through Wycombe is a bit easier in the mornings!haha
  1.2 16V Dynamique
Think I've seen you knocking around High Wycombe too at times come to think of it, then again it may be another one?...
