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Blue R888's?


ClioSport Club Member
Hi Guys

Back after an evening session from brands and car has not been used since. Looking at the tyres today, i noticed that the outside of the tyres have a blue colouring to them. Has anyone noticed this happening to them? Also would it be to them be under/over pressured and heat build up on the edge of the tyre?
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
on bikes its to do with heat cycles of the tyre, so im guessing its summat to do with that...
  182cup & 172 racecar
Was it 25 hot or cold?

Our Dunlops go like this sometimes around the edges,but they do get lent a fair bit.
  clio172, 205 gti
i wouldnt be worried mate its oils used in the process of making the rubber coming to surface after few heat cycles like elkwork said. ive had it on my motorbike tyres few times.
