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Bodged wiring

  Renault Clio 1.2
Hi, I've got some foglights (after market ones) that aren't working so I went and investigated as to why? I then found that the previous owner before my mother in law made a right mess of doing it. I'm now looking at redoing it myself. What I want to know is there's a brown wire wedged into the back of a block behind steering wheel, i presume the tw@t that did it tried hard wiring it but failed.... MISERABLY!!

Here's some pictures




Hope these work :)


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Take it all out and start again. Looks terrible. This is the back of the plug.

  Renault Clio 1.2
Okey doke cheers, thanks for the pics, at least I now know I can just take it out. You think that's bad. You should see the wiring for it behind the bumper, looks like they've spliced into the loom. I'm going to get new wires, switch and thinking of using a fuse tap, going to make a weekend of it.
