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Bonnet alarm button with 172 grill?

  2004 Clio 182
I fitted a 172/182 grill onto my 1.6 Dynamique a few days ago. With the old grill there was a spring loaded bonnet alarm button on the right hand side which was pressed down as the bonnet was closed. with the new grill there is no hole for the button so i removed it. Last night my car alarm started going off at 2am and i had to leave the car unlocked to stop it.

Should i drill a hole in the new grill to fit the button?

Is the button really needed or should i just make sure the 2 wires that i disconnected are always touching / never touch. (dont know which way round would work)?

HELP please!


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Just drill a new hole and replace the switch.

You might as well make use of the alarm function as it is there to protect your car.

Its not a big job drilling the hole and popping it back in.
