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Bonnet dropped on Willy - nasty dent :-(

Was trying to jump start car yesterday after leaving lights on all day. Forgot to prop bonnet up. Gust of wind. Bonnet fell onto jump lead grips. Jump lead grip shaped dent in bonnet :mad::mad::mad:. More noticable than the fecking bonnet bulge.

Assuming that I decide not to set a new fashion for twin bulged Williams bonnets:

1. Can it be fixed?

2. How much have others paid for un-denting work?

3. Who should I get to do the work?

Rhys (in a severely pissed off mood).
  Revels Mum & Sister

Hi ya mate

I done something similar but not as bad. As I had a few dents. Have a gander in the Yellow pages for Dent MAster

Will get rid of every dent on a panel for a fee. Wasnt very much. Is good if you have some other small dents mate! As my bonnet had a few and has gathered some more

Hope that helps matey!

Cheers. Will give them a call. Think Ive got another small dent in my bonnet.

Am soooo pissed off as Ive also had to fork out £60 for a new battery from Kwik-Fit this morning. After spending 3 hours last night trying to get it going again and taking a 40 mile drive to re-charge the battery, it wouldnt start this morning. Had to get to work so had no choice but to go and get a new battery from kwik fit. At least they did it right away, i suppose :(.

Also got a wheel bearing gone, it needs a service and the exhaust is still hitting the bottom of the car. Why do these things all happen at once? Grrr.

No dentmaster or chips away in sheffield. Just want someone who can come to work and fix it while I wait. Dont want to have to leave it at a body shop. Bummer :-( Looks like Im going to be twin bulged for a while yet.
  williams and trophy

try 07766168586 and ask for gav

tell him i told ya to ring its me cousin.......dunno how much he charges tho
  CTR EK9 turbo

what an arse eh?

is it a sharp-type dent, i.e. one that you couldnt possibly be able to remove with a plunger?

My friend dented her clio bonnet (RT i think) and i told her to buy a plunger and i cleaned off the surface and plungered it out. You have to be quite aggressive with it tho, but it worked nicely....

It may not seem it but people have worse days mate.

A guy I know padlocked his new bike to a concrete street light post right outside his house. His car was parked in front of the post and the thieves broke into his house, found his keys and then moved the car out the way. Next they CUT DOWN the post with a grinder or something and stole the bike!

Should be easy for a skilled person to remove the dents mate!.

Rhys, I know you dont want to leave it at a bodyshop, but Id reccomend Auto Body Styling, its in Neepsend so near you, hes top notch.....

