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Boot Install.....Advice

  Megane R26
Missing the setup I had before, mainly the sub. So looking at a nice lil 8". Now I was thinking about space and wanna do a false floor and have the sub so its uses the wheel well. Would this produce ok bass, or should I box so the box fits into the well?? Or shall I just bite the bullet and buy the sub pre boxed. Not looking for over powering bass but just a nice note. Sub in question is the Vibe exact 8. Heard good reviews on this. Sub can be had for £65 or boxed as reference version for £120. Whats your thoughts? Would like to go with sub in false floor.
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
My advice is go with what you want. Wouldn't have thought an 8" sub would need a very big box so could work in the wheel well, but not totally sure.


  Focus RS & Clio 172
If the wheel well was sealed up and had the correct air volume (not the easiest to measure in the wheel well, but critical in having a sub to work at its best abilities) then it would work sort of.
Subs sound better in the car when the sound is reflexed (bounced) off a surface, like the inside of the tailgate and if its in the boot floor, its a good bit from your ears, bouncing off nothing.

It could sound better in a proper box but its personal choice how you decide to set it up.
  Megane R26
I wouldn't be mounting it as a free air (arse end up), just using the well as a box. Basically the spare wheel will still be in there. Just thought I could use this space. Am tempted to make a box that will fit in the spare wheel :) Anyone know how to calculate volume. Need the box to be .55 cuft, so not that big at all.
  Civic Type -R FN2
you will need to fibre glass the bottom of your wheels well in order to make a good enough enclosure. not an easy task but it will look the nuts if you pull it off. i gave up on trying to do mine, but then again ive never used fibre glass before


  big fat japanese bus
a .55 cu ft is only 13 litres so you could fit that virtually anywhere, including under the dash if it is sealed
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Use this ;)
The top bit lets you select how thick your MDF will be.
Play around with a few figures until you get the size you need
I made a "dummy box out of thick cardboard last night to make sure the box will fit where I want it before I cut any wood

As above you will have no problems putting an 8" in your spare-well

I'm putting the encloure for a 13" in my spare-well and mounting it arse-up :evil:
Happy building


  Focus RS & Clio 172
MrStabby said:
I wouldn't be mounting it as a free air (arse end up), just using the well as a box. Basically the spare wheel will still be in there. Just thought I could use this space. Am tempted to make a box that will fit in the spare wheel :) Anyone know how to calculate volume. Need the box to be .55 cuft, so not that big at all.

A free air sub is one mounted in a panel with open air front and back. If you mount it face down against the spare wheel it'll just sound rubbish and probably damage the sub at high excursions.

Makes no odds as to whether a sub is magnet in or magnet out when placing a sealed enclosure (or a ported one for that matter) at one side of its face. Just be sure to add in, or take out, the sub woofer displacement figure depending on whether the magnet side is robbing space in the boxed section or not.
