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Brake Caliper Advice

im lookin to do the brake calipers this week end, what colour do you lot reckon? i was thinkin yellow? And also how hard, or easy is it? just takin the wheels off, and applyin, and finally can i get the stuff at halfords?

Cheers Dan
  Toureg vW Transporte

piece of piss yeah take the wheels off , cover the disks and any moving parts,use a wire brush to clean up the callipers and then the spray that u get in the set,mix the paint and the hardner and wack it on

Its best to remove calipers completely and clean and paint them on bench. If you are unsure about taking them off, take the pad carrier off, as if 172s are similar to 16v, the carrier is dead easy to remove, but is the majority of the caliper visible through your wheel spokes. And so taking this off and cleaning and painting is the best way for a good look from them
  FRST and 106 GTi

I have valver calipers and got mine out. Clean them out and painted them with high temp spray for exhaust. Black.
