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Brake Light Switch


ClioSport Club Member
Wasn't really too sure where to put this but seeing as it's a switch, here will do!

I've been having a bit of an issue with my brake lights, I've got to have my foot quite far down on the pedal before the brake lights actually light up. I've searched and found the guide on how to 'reset' the switch and it doesn't make a difference.

Today I bought another switch from a motor factors and it hasn't cured the problem?

Can the pedal be adjusted at all?

I've thought this a couple of times with my Clio, but have found the brake lights come on just as the brakes start to act, I'm guessing yours are a bit firmer.

Other than adjusting the switch or buying a new one as you have, only option is to space the switch or something.


ClioSport Club Member
Well I'm going to see if Leeds_182 is kicking about tomorrow and I'll see how his compared to mine.

Now I've a spare I might open it up and see if anything can be adjusted.


ClioSport Club Member

Turns out the switch isn't a cheap copy either, under closer inspection it's a genuine part with 'Renault' ground off 
