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Bringing my clio back to great condition! Help needed!

  clio 1.2
Hey, I have recentley bought an '01 plate 1.2 dynamique, im only 17 so its a pretty safe and tidy car for me to have at the moment! Im not really looking into doing much to it, however it has some dents and dings that I would like to get sorted to make it look alot better!

Right.. here is a list of the problems

1. Passenger side rear quarter, just behind the door and under the black plastic strip there is a fairly hefty 5 inch indentation (paint intact)

2. A light ding above the badge on the bonnet, about an inch long

3. I tiny circular ding on the driverside rear quarter, about the size of a 2p piece.

4.The black trim on the driverside wingmirror is cracked and untidy!

Do you think it would be cheaper for me to just leave all of these? Or do you think I should be trying to hire a dent removal service; If so does anyone have an Idea of cost? and does anybody know the cheapest place for the mirror trim? Is it just the local renault dealer?

Thanks alot guys!...I can do photoshops/mock-ups for anyone who helps! if they want me to! :)
  DCi 100
Won't cost more than 50 quid or so to get the bents removed if they're not too bad. It'll be more if they need smoothing out.

If your going to keep it for a wee few years and like the car then why not do it?
Couple in Warrington that I swear by (although can't remember the bloody guy's name now!). Wing mirror wise, new ones are 35 for eleccy ones, less for manual.

Ebay, scrappy, Joshydee@Cliospares on here personally, or sign up (£10 membership) and look in For Sale section.
