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Broad band providers


ClioSport Club Member
Really need a new BB provider, on AOL at the minute, and well, it is completely useless.

Don't need anything too fancy, just be able to surf comfortably and download the odd bits and bobs.

Not sure how much the AOL is a month, but say upto £30, the ceheaper the better obviously. Don't mind paying for a good service though.


The other thing is, there is one desktop on the net at the minute, but I will hopefully be getting a lap top in the near future, so how hard is it to set up wireless, would just need to be down stairs.

Not in a cable area, so Telewest, NTL etc are out the question.

Thanks for any help.
  RenaultSport Clio 172 CUP
To compare different ISP's i use
I would never ever think of going with Tiscali, i have seen very negative feedback from there customers well some of them..
I'm with nildram who i believe are one of the best if not the best!

i pay £25.99 for 8 Meg ADSL, an 50 gig bandwidth cap each month if you don’t use it all it carries over to the next month! Pretty good i think.

Setting up a wireless network can be hard or simple; this is depending on what you buy...
I suggests that you just get a all in one ADSL MODEM/ROUTER/SWITCH/WIRELESS from LINKSYS(cisco :>) or Netgear....

These two makes are normally easy to setup, from my past experience.

You will also need to find out if the Laptop has a wireless network card, if not you can just buy a Wireless USB adapter that does the same so I believe...
