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broadband speed

  Audi TT 225

Download speed : 5.49Mbps
Upload speed : 0.33Mbps

Postcode Results

Your local exchange is Ingatestone and the maximum theoretical speed achievable on your line via ADSL Max is 6.35Mb which is 15 percent faster than this test shows you are getting.

BT 8mb

Why is the upload speed so s**t?
  2004 1.2 Dynamique
I'm with pipex on 8mb :S pretty s**t to be honest im gonna leave them though

Download speed : 2.24Mbps
Upload speed : 0.31Mbps
  172 cup TT
Do a virgin test before 4pm or after midnight, speeds arent far off then... about 6meg tho at peak times.. :(...

Spoke to an ex-virgin manager today and apparently they are rolling out/upgrading accounts to the 100, 80 and 40 meg packages in a few months... how the hell?!?... they might as well call them what they like.. doubt we'll see anything like those.. Did mention about the lines all being upgraded with it tho.. maybe we will get a consistent 20meg then!...


  Audi TT Stronic
50mbit.. woo f**king hooo... maybe they should try and get everyone 20mbit first..
If people understood the true cost of a 50Mb connection, it'd soon become clear that Virgin will *HAVE* to traffic shape it to hell and run at around 1Mb so they can make some money.

Otherwise, they'd be out of business.. quickly.

They'll market it at like £20 a month or something stupid :p
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