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Broadband speed

I've just had my line connected (about two weeks ago) left the router switched on as directed but my speed is shite.

The connection is supposed to be 8meg, I'm currently getting 1 to 1.5 with the occasional 15 minute long peak of about 6.7.

Do I have a leg to stand on with kicking off about it? (I'm aware they use the words "up to" when advertising line speeds) because IMO it's not what I'd call acceptable. If I was only getting 6.5 ish on average I'd not be too worried as at least I'd be able to stream media uninterrupted.

Sky are the provider, if anyone has had similar experience.
  Clio 182
If you do a broadband check what speeds are estimated for you, also what are your router stats, snr and attention.
The router thinks I'm getting 8.2 when I look on the sky site/router info/settings. No idea on the stats I'm not posting from home at the moment.
  Mini JCW
I believe when you agree to the contract there is no 'minimum' or even 'average' U/L or D/L speed stated, just the magical 'Up to' speed.:dapprove:

Got a few mates running sky connections and heard good things about them tbh:S


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Mines slow as fook! And i've noticed you can get BT openzone in my flats now...Does this mean people are using my router??? Without me knowing?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Whos your isp?

i pay £7.50 for up to 8mb, but only get 5mb at best.
Not a great deal we can do about it. Consider yourself lucky! some get less than 2!
I'm getting less that 2! lol like I say I get a breif burst of about 6.7 (infrequently and 10/15 mins tops) but it's mostly running at 1 to 1.5!

Ali - You'd have to check fella. It should be secure out of the box tbh. I've already checked that mine has no other devices connected to it and when I've run the tests I've not been downloading anything in the background.

Gex- That's why I went with them, all my mates who use them have had good experiences when it comes to the speed of connection.
  Mini JCW
Mines slow as fook! And i've noticed you can get BT openzone in my flats now...Does this mean people are using my router??? Without me knowing?

Sure its not the distance you are from the server? Also have you checked the latency of the connection?


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
mate...I know nothing about comps...Or Broadband, i just expect it to work..>Which at the moment it isn't. New router is being sent out (BT homehub)
  Mini JCW
mate...I know nothing about comps...Or Broadband, i just expect it to work..>Which at the moment it isn't. New router is being sent out (BT homehub)

I had no end of trouble with BT Broadband, we got through 4 new hubs in a year (update issues caused them to be rendered useless), latency issues, throttling back the connection (at one point, between 6 - 8pm it dropped down to 120 kbps!). Switched to virgin broadband now, and get 9.8 Mbps constant :)
  A4 Avant
My Sky connection is usually around the 2mb mark at peak hours and rises to 3.5mb off peak. It's still more than quick enough for online gaming and internet browsing.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I had no end of trouble with BT Broadband, we got through 4 new hubs in a year (update issues caused them to be rendered useless), latency issues, throttling back the connection (at one point, between 6 - 8pm it dropped down to 120 kbps!). Switched to virgin broadband now, and get 9.8 Mbps constant :)

Same. I was with Orange a few years ago. Always dropping and out and slow when it was working. With Virgin now paying for 10 Mbps, and that's what I get. If I do download massive files, I do it overnight so I never see the effects of traffic management.
  Mini JCW
Virgin worth a look then. I pay alot of cash for BT!!! :(

As long as you can get cable in your area then i'd definitely reccomend virgin. Their customer service is so much better too.

BT were so expensive for the distinctly average product they supplied!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Nope! Rules that out. Brothers got sky and gets sky, phone and BB for less than i pay for Bb and line rental.
  Black RS200
ANY Broadband that uses your phone line is limited as its the copper wire which limits the signal. If you are very close to the exchange you may get near to the 8 meg, if your futher away you wont. The only type of BB i would pay for is cable (which is what im on) My speed is always within a few kb/s of the full speed, 24/7
(i know cable isnt always avalible in all areas)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Griff helped me out with mine, i was getting terrible drop outs.

Phone them and they did something with the Signal or noise of something. Try that
  Tesla MP3 2021
The router thinks I'm getting 8.2 when I look on the sky site/router info/settings. No idea on the stats I'm not posting from home at the moment.

You need to monitor this sync speed and see if it changes at all / alot. If you router is seeing 8.2Mbps then thats pretty much what you are getting.

How do you connect to your router?
Would also be good to see your stats when your home.
You need to monitor this sync speed and see if it changes at all / alot. If you router is seeing 8.2Mbps then thats pretty much what you are getting.

In that case why would the speed tests and performance be suggesting otherwise?
  Tesla MP3 2021
In that case why would the speed tests and performance be suggesting otherwise?

That I can’t answer until I see further stats etc... Also how are you connected to your router?

Mine sync speed is always around 23Mpbs and that’s the speed I also get. Online speed testers are not a reliable way to test your speed as the servers are not 100% accurate. Do you use Newsgroup, this is one of the best ways to test your speed as that will also max out your connection (newsgroup package dependant)


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
The router thinks I'm getting 8.2 when I look on the sky site/router info/settings. No idea on the stats I'm not posting from home at the moment.

Thats only your sync speed on your router, not the speed your ISP is giving you though. I sync at full speed but only get around 7mbit, even though im right next to my exchange, no one can ever get full 8mbit anyway!

Your best best is to run the BT speed checker to check what your IP profile is and go from there, some ISP's are just dire at peeks times, my speeds used to go from 7mbit in the day to 2mbit at night due to them over subscribing their pipes. Im now with a decent ISP with a clue so never get any issues.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Thats only your sync speed on your router, not the speed your ISP is giving you though. I sync at full speed but only get around 7mbit, even though im right next to my exchange, no one can ever get full 8mbit anyway!

Your best best is to run the BT speed checker to check what your IP profile is and go from there, some ISP's are just dire at peeks times, my speeds used to go from 7mbit in the day to 2mbit at night due to them over subscribing their pipes. Im now with a decent ISP with a clue so never get any issues.

The sync speed is the speed the ISP is offering as its the actual speed between your modem/router and the modem in the local exchange.

The sync speed isnt your real speed but it is close enough...

~ What is "Sync Speed"?This is the speed at which your router synchronises (connects) to the exchange equipment. Depending upon your ISP, your sync speed can either be Fixed Rate or Rate Adaptive.

Fixed Rate lines are generally 512kbps, 1Mb or 2Mb and these have corresponding sync speeds of 576kbps, 1152kbps and 2272kbps respectively.


Rate Adaptive lines will sync at the best speed they can for the length and condition of your line, therefore its not unusual to see slightly different sync speeds if you reboot your router. DSLMax and LLU are usually rate adaptive.

It is important to remember that the sync speed at which you connect is not your "real speed" that you will be able to download at, as it has an inbuilt allowance to allow for such things as TCP/IP overheads.
For example a line syncing at 8128 kbps could expect to see a maximum throughput speed of around 7.1Mb (approx 13% for overheads).
Don't use news group, connected via ethernet cable and as for stats if you give me a list of what you're interested in I'll take a peek and post them up.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Don't use news group, connected via ethernet cable and as for stats if you give me a list of what you're interested in I'll take a peek and post them up.

Well just post up what you have. As per above. You really should be seeing a high % of your sync speed as your "real" speed so there has got to be an issue somewhere. Maybe an idea to keep a log of the stats to see what is fluctuating and when.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
The sync speed is the speed the ISP is offering as its the actual speed between your modem/router and the modem in the local exchange.

The sync speed isnt your real speed but it is close enough...

Its not the speed the ISP is offering though, its the speed between your router and the local exchange, its the maximum speed that your ISP CAN offer if they are half decent, even though its likely to be slightly lower.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Its not the speed the ISP is offering though, its the speed between your router and the local exchange, its the maximum speed that your ISP CAN offer if they are half decent, even though its likely to be slightly lower.

Ok so Im with Be and they offer upto 24Mbps. So are you saying all Be customers should have the same sync speed of say 23.5Mbps (which I have) but then they only get a speed somewhere between 0 and this figure. The sync speed is the connection speed your line can achieve between the 2 modems (your router and the exchange equipment) and you get pretty much all of that speed minus a few overheads.

I take that as my ISP is offering that speed to my router and I actually benefit from nearly all of it.
  Formally Clio 182
I have o2 broadband which goes through our BT line. Get speeds of 18 Mbps at a minimum and had 30 Mbps at about 3am once LOL.

When we got it installed our speeds were strangely only 3 Mbps so we switched the router off and on again.

Try that.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Ok so Im with Be and they offer upto 24Mbps. So are you saying all Be customers should have the same sync speed of say 23.5Mbps (which I have) but then they only get a speed somewhere between 0 and this figure. The sync speed is the connection speed your line can achieve between the 2 modems (your router and the exchange equipment) and you get pretty much all of that speed minus a few overheads.

I take that as my ISP is offering that speed to my router and I actually benefit from nearly all of it.

When did I say everyone would have the same sync speed? lol? That would be the most retarded thing to ever say... All im TRYING to say is that you wont always get your full sync speed if your ISP is crap at peek times like 2 of my previous ones where, but you dont seem to understand this simple concept. Ive always sync'd at my exchange max of 8mbit but my previous 2 ISP's only gave me around 3-4mbit in peek times, even with 8mbit sync, but when I changed ISP im getting the full speed as I would expect.

Your hard work.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Where abouts do you live??

edit oh actually I can check that I have your address dont I??!!

I will have a look at the exchange and see if they are having any reported faults there (ones that you can't get yourself ;) )
lol, cheers fella. I called up Sky last night, their tech said I should get around 6 meg at my location, there were no current faults at the exchange and that I needed to give it a couple more days (line has been active 10) as there is a certain amount of speed fluctuation initially (why this would be when we're talking about a signal sent down a line is beyond me)

We'll see what happens I guess.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Thing is yes it is in essence a signal down a line but it depends on the quality of your line.

For example you try sending an 8mb connection down a poor line and you will get dropouts galore, drop the speed down to say 2mb (which is standard for most ISP's) and the dropouts stop.

Theres a bit more too it then that but despite what you may read/hear from them that is what they do! These supposed speed tests on the line are crap too as its only based on your distance from the exchange. The kit im working on tests copper lines and can do a proper speed in what the line CAN actually handle, whether or not they use this to customers is another matter but IMO all this 8mb stuff needs to stop.

I love Virgins "we only use fibre lines everywhere crap"...ermmm no you go LLU! One of my friends got Virgin recently and was bragging about how he will get 24mb or whatever and had a fibre optic cable to his house now...I asked him if they had ripped up the road to lay a cable and he said no and was adamant he would be getting 24mb...he's been getting 2-4mb for years now :)

Hopefully BT, Sky etc will go ADSL+ soon as that will make speeds a lot better..Copper lines on ADSL+ can run upto 24mb fine....they have been running that in France and Germany for years!
Sounds like I need you to test the line then!

I'll give it another week tops, if it's still the .5 to 1.5 I'm currently suffering then I'll speak to sky again and see what they can do.
  Bumder With A Buffer
PM me your address again as I seem to of deleted your pm about the resistors :(

I have a spare few minutes this afternoon and il hack into the BT network ;) Back doors FTW!!!

edit ooo not like that :)
Cheers fella, I tried the master socket and the test socket (as suggested by sky) to rule out an internal wiring issue and I was still getting a pitiful .5 to 1 meg speed over the weekend.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Hmmm not showing up any faults at the exchange, they did have an outage today recently for planned work but this has now been cancelled for whatever reason.

Can get what the fault is/was but maybe this is related to your issue.

Interestingly you are quite far from the exchange as well.

They did have a big problem down in Bristol the other day that "could" be why you are seeing problems, but this only happened on the 30th August and im sure you were saying your speeds have been s**t since way before then.
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