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Broadband speed


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
You need to do a BT line test here, you can see what the IP profile is of your line, if your synced at 8128kbps you likely to get up to around 7-7.5mbit max d/l transfer. If your test results from the BT test is lower than what your getting on any other speed test this one for instance then your ISP has probably over subscribed its pipes, ive had this previously at peek times with my last 2 ISP's where I only received around 2mbit when I was synced at 8mbit with an IP profile of 8mbit.
  Bumder With A Buffer
They had a major failure down in Bristol (they reported it on the 30th August) but I suspect knowing BT that the problem has been there a while. (with Bristol)

The Bristol problem was a node/fibre one and its possible they have indeed loaded too many subscribers onto whilst they are fixing this but I doubt it very much. Could this be related?? Possibly but its a fcuking nightmare to find out for sure.

Shame I cant put our companies nice Testhead that's designed to test lines for problems and test it :( fcukers

No one in BT knows WTF is going on anymore (IMO). Good old Terradyne systems are shite, in fact BT are still using kit from 1970's/80's to do line testing with, thats called Gateway, and as far as im aware im the only person in the country that knows how to repair these bloody things, (Think no schematics, limited stock in the world of spare parts etc etc) but they wont spend money on upgrading for some reason.

Should take a leaf out of France Telecoms books..they have a line profile for EVERY line in the country that lists REAL line length. So they have something to compare it too.

Im rambling there sorry! :eek:
Performance (or lack of) seems totally unrelated to time of day/traffic tbh. It's consistantly s**t. I've seen a peak of 6.7 once for about a 15 minute period then the rest of the time it's been between .5 and 2.0 but generally around the 1.2 mark.

I've leave it until the end of the week then ring up Sky and give them some abuse if it's not picked up.
