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Bt Broadband to Tiscali?


ClioSport Club Member
Have i done the right thing, it doesnt seem as quick at the minute. Im only 920 meters away from the exchange so should be quite quick.
To be fair it has only just switched over today and it does say wait at least 10 days for it to settle in.

Anyone got any good/bad reports about them
  Fiesta Zetec S TDCI
Baaaaad idea :p

You get what you pay for tbh.

If you torrent, wait until 11:30pm-5pm, 5pm-11:30 = poor speeds, and if you use too much traffic during this time they'll basically blacklist you and you get put on an ultra slow server!

We've (parents house) been with tiscali for about 7 years now, it's ok, but I do miss my Be* connection (from my student house in sheffield)...

What kinda use do you make of the internet?


ClioSport Club Member
oh wonderful!!!

Mostly just browsing, sometimes go on a mad downloading spree of mp3's and now and again download a movie or program from torrent,.

Funny you mentioned torrents though, ive been downloading bruno since 4.30pm lol
  Clio 182FF
One of the worst I'm affraid :(

Even though they say wait 10 days your connection should still be good within that period.

I've just switched to and they've been rock solid so far. Been with them for about 2 weeks now.
  Clio 182FF
You should be able to cancel - give them a call as I think you do have a period where you can change if you're not happy.

I found this website very helpfull when looking for a new ISP.

After a lot of research I chose Surfanytime because their usage scheme suited me best. As I said in my previous post and have been very impressed so far.

Also - don't go with Used to be one of the best but now throttle everything and the support is plain terrible.


ClioSport Club Member
tbh i recon i will stick it with tiscali for 12 months, the whole idea behind changing isp's was to save some money each month and i am doing so......

Cheers for the help
  clio rs
iv been wid tiscali for 7 yrs - downloading speed has always been slow. Its hard to get hold of customer service when u need them, recently i made a complaint so they reducd my bill to 7pounds a month and sent me a new rooter


ClioSport Club Member
customer services wont be a problem, i could teach them how to fault find etc, lol.

my download speeds dont seem to bad right now, apart from peak times but bt was the same anyway.

What did you complain about? it may be worth a try after a few weeks to see if i can get my bill down anymore.
