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BT Interleave

  172 Silver Cup
Can anyone tell me how I would find out if my line is interleave or not? I am on option 1 bt broadband, pinging about 40ms. Would like to get this down even more for gaming.
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
your bt homehub tells you if you go to stats, it will say interleave or fastpath, Its interleaved by default.
  172 Silver Cup
I can get Be* but have a few months left on my contract with BT so just trying to get the best out of it. I dont have a home hub, have a Belkin N1 jobby. Cant see it on the control panel of that tho.
  White Sti Hatch
you got BT vision ??? if not your connection will be capped as BT or knobs but they wont admit to ut !!
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
just call bt and they will change your line to fast path, i did and it was done 12 hours later
  Tesla MP3 2021
just call bt and they will change your line to fast path, i did and it was done 12 hours later

Well I am surprised at that. BT doing something you ask them, blimey what's the world coming to.
  Chelsea tractor
I usually get 16-20ms ping at my parents' house, and they are on BT :eek:

Our NTL line gives about the same lol
  Fiesta ST2
Well I am surprised at that. BT doing something you ask them, blimey what's the world coming to.

everyone rips the piss out of BT but if you get through to someone who didnt get the yellow bus to the BT call centre your usually grand :p
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
lol yeh i just got lucky, 99% of the time i get through to some indian who can barely speak english
  172 Silver Cup
phoned up, never heard of fast path, what a suprise! anyway after about 50mins they did a line test and said it was already de leaved?? or something to make it fast. So guess I will have to live with 40ms ping!
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
i can guarantee if you have never requested interleaving be removed then it is active
  Tesla MP3 2021
phoned up, never heard of fast path, what a suprise! anyway after about 50mins they did a line test and said it was already de leaved?? or something to make it fast. So guess I will have to live with 40ms ping!

  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
send them a request via the website, seems to have more luck regarding things like this


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182


BT can turn it off, im with Plusnet who are owned by BT and they turned it off for me and ive had it turned off by previous ISP's. I wouldnt suggest turning it off if you have a dodgy up down connection as interleaving is in basic terms, error correction.
  172 Silver Cup
phone up sky, they will do alot to help you. They helped my mate who was having a terrible time online on the xbox 360. They up'ed he upload to around 700 (BT wont do that for you) and they also did something with the interleave making his very low ping. He was the reason I got the idea in my head. Seems to me too that when u speak to someone from sky too they know what they are talking about but thats only what he said, I havent had any experience myself only with the joke that is BT
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
cross your fingers, at my old house I was promised that 5 times before it was actually done lol
  172 Silver Cup
They say that my line is open, but cant believe it. I have a better connection with regards download speed than my mates but I am still pinging slower than them?? I am also closer to the exchange. Wish there was a way of testing the line to see if it is done or not. I guess yet another phone call tomorrow morning is required!!! Cant wait till april when contract is out!
  172 Silver Cup
Belkin N1 one, its about a year old black and sits flat (not one of the new ones with dials on it) I know how to get into the option screen of it but its all over my head past that!
  Bumder With A Buffer
I have a Test DSLAM here (work in Telecoms) and I reckon I it would take about 1 minute to log onto the DSLAM... navigate to the relevant page and set it from Fast-Path to Interleaved! And Resync up etc!

Unfortunately there's so much crap you have to go through at BT ... there customer service is w**k (bloody India crap) Although if you can id always try and ring during 9-5 as your more likely to get a UK call centre.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Also its worth bearing this in mind....

When a customer is put on a "Noise Profile" usually their DSL line is changed from FastPath to Interleaved.

Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM. With Interleaving enabled, the DSLAM can correct errors in the data stream it receives before passing that data to your gateway router. It is usually implemented on noisy or marginal lines and can greatly increase sync stability and effectively eliminate "first hop" packet loss. The largest drawback to Interleaving is that it will increase your ping time, specifically to your first hop gateway router.

If Interleaving is not enabled on your line, it is configured as FastPath. FastPath allows the DSLAM to pass the data received from you to the first hop router without performing any error correction. As a result, marginal lines could experience an increase in packet loss and decrease in sync stability (i.e. frequent sync loss). However, FastPath has lower ping times, especially to the first hop router.
