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Bucket seat belt buckle solutions

  dan's cast offs.
if you do want to use a normal lap belt with a bucket seat (don't by the way) mount it to the floor.
  dan's cast offs.
personally i would want a harness mounted at a minimal angle, there is a bit of a kerfuffle about a low angle and submarining etc but i'd still rather be safe than sorry. broke my back once and wouldn't want to do it again ;)
Heres an injury story fueled by special needs. It was the last week of a-levels, I had only a couple written exams left. Some mates and I were walking out of the grounds but the car was parked further at the other end, closer we got I thought it would be quicker to hop the wooden fence, climbed over the bushes leaped up the fence, a fence board snapped and I feel upside down and landed on my wrist. A resident had a go at me because they would have to pay for the fence. Met up with my mates told them what happened as they only heard it. Wrist was burning 10 minutes later, 'Itl be aright'. Next day its fucked, I told a girl mate of mine, one you have good chats with but would never go out with, she forces me to the hospital where we wait a couple hours and I leave with the inevitable cast. Had to have someone write my exams for me as it was my right hand in this little office like where they take the not so bright kids to for extra learning. borderling fail on the written, A in the practical, C overall, job done. It was media studies anyway so wouldnt have lost anything if I failed.
