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bucket seats and 3point harniss

  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
im looking to put a pair of buckets i nthe valver. but im not sure. as i cant see any way of having the 3point harniss fixed in the rear without discomfort to passangers on long journeys ( bolting themm though the centre seat nd into the boot... any ideas ??

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If you are fitting buckets (some people seem to confuse recliner style sports seats with a folding back with buckets which are fixed) chances are you'll be hard pressed to get anyone in the back even if you have sliding seat runners tbh.
  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
yeh thats what im thinking... i really want the buckets though. hmm.. i might just have to go for some nicer sportsy seats. but still.. is there any way of securing the harniss sumwere ?
Harness' have to be positioned at certain angles unfortunately so you cant just bolt them to the floor behind the seats so they dont get in the way. You'll find that pretty much anywhere you can correctly mount them will affect passengers in the rear to be honest.
  Audi TT 3.2
Ive got fixed buckets with slide and tilt subframes, and as long as your passengers are not really fat then they should b able to get in and ive got 3 point harnesses that go down to th middle seat belt holes so i can still have people in the back jus not in the middle! works perfectly! dont get recliners there sh*t and dont hold you in you seat as much!
  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
funky stuff. mite have to give it a go. im getting sum cheap recaro's for new next friday .. so i can have a play with um :) cheers for the help
