Quote: Originally posted by madmax on 20 July 2004
i dont know where the hanbrake side harness mounts would bolt on to, subframes possibly ?
Quote: Originally posted by Lunner on 20 July 2004
Cobra subframes come wiht a bracket to take the handbrake side of the harness, the other two piints mount to the esitinf seatbelt points, on in the back seats and one by the rear outsdie corner of the seat.
You dont wanna be making your own mounting points, it took car engineers ages to make seatbelt mounting oints simply cus of the forces your body is under in a crash.
I would NEVER make my own seatbelt mounting points, wiht well designed seats and subframes there should be no need to
Well after hitting a lampost sideways in mine at 30 mph, and walking away wiht no injurues cept whiplash, i know whos id be in tooQuote: Originally posted by david16v on 20 July 2004
<SCRIPT language=javascript>Quote: Originally posted by Lunner on 20 July 2004
Cobra subframes come wiht a bracket to take the handbrake side of the harness, the other two piints mount to the esitinf seatbelt points, on in the back seats and one by the rear outsdie corner of the seat.
You dont wanna be making your own mounting points, it took car engineers ages to make seatbelt mounting oints simply cus of the forces your body is under in a crash.
I would NEVER make my own seatbelt mounting points, wiht well designed seats and subframes there should be no need to
you been reading the clio max manual then ......
I know whos seat id rather be in in a shunt