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Bulbs gone

  2003 clio 172 ph2
My bulb blew tonight whats most likley cause?
My mate has the same issue and he has replaced bulbs and ballast no end of times so any ideas?
  2003 clio 172 ph2
No this is the 1st time mines gone.

And my mate cant get his working trie 2 ballast and bulbs. His flashes on for a sec then straight off


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
In your case, swap the bulb over to the other side, then the igniter, and then finally the ballast. When the light on the other side stops working, that's the component which has failed.

Sounds like your mate's got a short though, possibly in the igniter if he hasn't swapped that out yet.
  2003 clio 172 ph2
Yea he replaced that aswell. Ill get him to get another ballast and try again and ill swap everything from one side to another.
Thanks McGerkin.

Also is the legal limit if bulbs 6k?


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
6k is colour, not brightness. The higher it gets the bluer it is and the lower it gets the yellower it is, pure white is about 5000k so 6000k has a tinge of blue.

Obviously if you go fitting 10000k bulbs they'll be illegal because they're blue (AKA Chav Blue), but 6000k is fine.
