Chris V6 255
ClioSport Club Member
V6 255, 182 Trophy
There is a RenaultSport meet at Caffeine & Machine on 17.11.19.
If you haven’t heard of Caffeine & Machine, it is the ultimate petrol heads Mecca & a must visit. It’s a 3hr drive for me but we’ll worth it!
There will be all sorts of Renault Sports there including a number of the Renault Heritage fleet there.
You can apply by emailing with name & details of car. This is limited to 100 people though so probably all gone by now.
Alternatively you can pre book a space for £10 here
I have pre booked a place & it would be awesome if we can get more CS members there.

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If you haven’t heard of Caffeine & Machine, it is the ultimate petrol heads Mecca & a must visit. It’s a 3hr drive for me but we’ll worth it!
There will be all sorts of Renault Sports there including a number of the Renault Heritage fleet there.
You can apply by emailing with name & details of car. This is limited to 100 people though so probably all gone by now.
Alternatively you can pre book a space for £10 here

Weekend Workings. Car Parking. - Caffeine & Machine

I have pre booked a place & it would be awesome if we can get more CS members there.

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