Amazing aint it...still running my new 182 in and every bugger in the world wants to race me!
Pulled out of a junction today and needed a bit of speed quick...not let down at all i was soon seeing 70mph (cant hurt with the occasional slip over 3500rpm!).
Then i slowed down to the speed limit of 50mph..all of a sudden i have a red calibra up my arse....what a w**ker...
The sad thing is i carried on (restrained of me) along at 50 and it was a massive straight road...the guy didnt seem to have the bottle to even overtake!
What did he want me to do? he one of those dickheads who thinks he is racing you by staying behind is all well and good but on country lanes it is far easier to follow then to lead...i am sure if i had gone through the run in period he would have been a distant image in my rvm as calibras are crap!
still ..a moment to pause...round the next blind bend was a lorry reversing out over both sides of the road....makes you think..i would have been doing about 60+ if i decided to race...i might have stopped..he wouldnt...
[Edited by cnic69 on 12 May 2004 at 11:40pm]