^gets more powerful every time does you car jon
Fred said:stock clutch won't handle it, yozza sell the uprated release bearings as well as grpN and grpA clutches from helix and valeo
i know, i'm just winding you up! for the record everyone, jon does drive like a gay
paddle is fine if its a track only car, forget it if its a road car
and cost best part of £400!
flywheels last quite well, gearbox's don't LOL
na, thats out of roamers car from a few years ago (throttle bodies and a standard clutch)
erm the only one i can think of that might do it is aldon automotive out near merry hill, or maybe give weston performance a call
the stock clutch has a habit of exploding itself out of the gearbox when you get them really hot
never heard of that personally, would have to be some serious abuse as people have done every SQM event through the year for several years and no issues... then again some people have no issue with the gearbox and I mangled 4 in the Williams... oops
So i heard matey, i'm not jealous....honest.....grrrr!