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cant connect to internet or 3g on samsung galaxy s 2

  MK5 R32
For the last two months since i've had the phone ive been using the internet fine, now from today all of a sudden I cant get a 3g connection. And I cant connect to the internet. Anyone got any ideas? I havent messed around with any of the settings at all just seems that I cannot get good signal. Please help :S
Could be your sim card but seems strange that it's just suddenly stopped.

Tried turning it off and back on? Lol.
Could be a number of things. You haven't accidentally turned data off have you? It's easily done as it's part of the power off menu. Also check the settings under Wireless and Networks then Mobile Data or something. If there's an error there then that should tell you what's wrong.

Other than that it's probably the sim. It can happen and it's usually the data or texting element that goes wrong on them.
  182FF with cup packs
I've noticed that a couple off times my SGS2 has switched off mobile data, but voice and Wifi still works.

Press the power button and make sure flight mode isn't turned on. If it is, turn it off.
  Maybe a 172 Cup..
My Desire on Vodafone sometimes wont pick internet up. As said above, I turn it off and back on, and it's sorted!
