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Can't open folder full of .jpegs

  Nissan Jewk
When I went on holiday early this year, my and the other half went diving... a guide came with us and took a load of pictures. Anyway, they put it onto a cd, and I can see in the folder there are over 100 images, all named, of types of fish. But when I try and open them, I get a message stating "This file format is not supported"

I'm baffled! Any suggestions?

When I right click properties on any of the images in the folder, it states:

Type of File: JPEG Image (.JPG)
  Megane Mk4
Sounds like either a compression issue or bad header on each file, try dropping them in a paint package and see if that will open them, if not might be pointless.
  Nissan Jewk
Tried it with the default photo gallery and just now with Paint, nothing... would be gutted if we couldn't open any of them :(
Definitely big enough to be an image then. You could try opening them in photoshop or on another PC but aside from that, I am out of suggestions.
It looks like they have been set to read only on permissions for some reason... I can't open it either.

Trying all different software I have... Ill keep trying!
