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Car has been attacked

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  Impreza WRX
hi guys, my car was attacked earlier by a motorbiker.

i work in betws y coed (by the train station) for those who know the area.

it all kicked off because i was parked in the bike place for a while (had to let my staff in to work) was going to move it.

no bikes at all come out anymore, he was just petty. Anyway, came into my work kicking off about me being a c**t and stuff. thinking cos i drive a modified car i can park anywhere, when hes far from the truth.

anyway, ignored him, and he went.

went to my car after work and there was writing in the dirt on my rear window, t**t and a big arrow all the way down to the right hand side above my number plate, where it looks as if he has keyed my car in a big circle. Very deep aswell.

why do people think its ok to attack something that we work so hard to own and maintain??

i know its not just me this happens to, but its getting on my last nerve now. in that car park in the last 3 months, my mirror has been off twice, and twice i have SEEN people slam their door into my car!!

anyway, long story, rant over, Sorry guys :(
so sorry to hear, he sounds like a little pr1ck!

no cctv? run him down (ok a little heavy)

generally poo all round that lad :(
i watched a guy open his car door onto mine one day in the e.k multistory returning from work...and dare i even confront him, all i got was attitude back, for him hitting MY door!!!

idiots never learn
  Impreza WRX
i know mate

some people have no respect and don't think that we have to save our pennies and work very hard for our cars.

i will recognise him now anyway, hes been around a few times, and my brother and his mates all live round the corner, ill give them a bell when he's there next!!
  Impreza WRX
you seem to have taken it pretty calmly m8

its not the first time its happened either mate.

i had a 306 gti6 that was an r-tec demo car, and some pilloc decided to key it right down the side.

what can i really do about it?? called the police out last time, and they didnt even take a proper look, just asked me if i knew who did it!! obviously i didnt or i wouldnt have called them
  BMW bus
i know mate

some people have no respect and don't think that we have to save our pennies and work very hard for our cars.

i will recognise him now anyway, hes been around a few times, and my brother and his mates all live round the corner, ill give them a bell when he's there next!!

If you know who he is mate, just wait til he leaves his bike unattended and absolutely smash it to pieces, see how he likes it.

Police are useless, the amount of times I've had my cars broken into or vandalised and they dont even want to know
Betws y coed is one of my fav places :) The parking there is crazy though, the car park is tiny. I always park at swallow falls and walk in! I think i'd be tempted to take revenge if i saw his bike again :evil:
  182 RB FF
Gutted for you mate!! You have to be stupid though to do it in an area you go back too after making such a fuss...
  alien green rs133
police are daft sometimes

we had a car dolly nicked (a small trailer that lifts front wheels of car off ground)

even when we explained how it made nicking cars dead easy, and we even found it in a scrap yard, was being used for "collectng" cars they still did nothing WNAKERS
  Renaultsport 200
If you see his bike unattended take a bolt cutter to his chain, slash his tyres and remove something from it, then push it over. (Just make sure your engine is running when you do it!)

This angers me! If I saw anyone do this to my car id end up in jail. When i read stuff like this is makes my p1ss boil.

Seriously mate, if you see him make the fcuker pay.
  alien green rs133
If you see his bike unattended take a bolt cutter to his chain, slash his tyres and remove something from it, then push it over. (Just make sure your engine is running when you do it!)

This angers me! If I saw anyone do this to my car id end up in jail. When i read stuff like this is makes my p1ss boil.

Seriously mate, if you see him make the fcuker pay.

just drain his oil into a container so not to leave obvious mark on ground, then drive past a bike on hard shoulder with a seazed crank :p
  05 182 clio.ktm duke
Don't park in bike bays, then there wouldn't be any problem. As for all the comments like 'SMASH HIS BIKE UP', you are just as pathetic as the person who damaged the car, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
So anyway is there cctv ???

Do not touch the blokes bike as you have no proof it was him, unless it was on cctv. If it was report it to the police.
If you do touch the bike he will know it's you and you will have a war on your doorstep, sh*tting on your own doorstep isn't a good idea.
  Clio 1.2 16v
Don't park in bike bays, then there wouldn't be any problem. As for all the comments like 'SMASH HIS BIKE UP', you are just as pathetic as the person who damaged the car, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Biker love! BIKER LOVE!

c**k/ If you see the bike unattended, cut all the 'console' control cables, and smash it's lights. Nice long replacement job! /c**k
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