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car insurance, no claims, help..


ClioSport Club Member
Right, im currently with norwhich union with a 9 month bonus accelerator scheme, ive just started my second policy, but will the no claims i get count for other insurance companies?

thing is, as i had my first policy at 17, if i put down 2 years no claims on the internet, i am not old enough to have 2 years ncb as i would have to be 19, so if i rang up and explained the bonus accelerator would i be able to be put down for 2yncb??


  RS 182 - Black Gold
This is why most companies wont accept them coming from bonus accelarators!

In effect you dont have the FULL no claims experience (which is true)

These schemes are truely aimed for you to stay with the same company. Or later aged drivers wanting to build up NCB in a shorter time.

Id say the only way you will find out is by asking them on the phone - some will accept it (overide the computer if the underwriter says they will allow it)

and some will only take it as only 1YR.

Hope that helps a bit.


ClioSport Club Member
yeh thought so, was just wondering as their prices are fine for an everyday car, but sometime next year i want to upgrade to a mk2 golf gti, and was just wondering about going with a specialist company, ill have to see what happens.
