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Car not turning in like it should.

  NEED V6!
Basically when I'm going around a lefthand corner car feels stiff an there's no movement in the steering wheel. Going right is a different matter, what happen's is the steering wheel feel's alot lighter an it's as if the right front tyre is pulling me out from the corner like oversteering slighty maybe.

Well that's the best way to describe what's happen's.

Also I have noticed that there is oil an grease on my passenger side rear shock, sould this affect any handling issues.

Can anyone help



  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Also I have noticed that there is oil an grease on my passenger side rear shock, sould this affect any handling issues.

Yes if the Shock is loosing its oil, Give it a clean and check it again in a few days see if the Oil has come back, if its weeping its oil this is probably the cause of your problems.
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
I Me & ivan did his shock on the weekend, was leaking every where, he said any more than 30mph into a bend was scary as fook, replaced the shocks a walla the car drives sweet as again :cool:
  NEED V6!
Just cleaned the shock full thick of grease an oil, just been down the shop an bk an the shock has been covered in oil again not as much as was on the shock in the first place. But as you said you had trouble going left around bend's as your's was the drivers side rear shock i'm having difficulty the other way as the rear shock is the passengers side rear. Make's sense to go buy one before I hit somthing, How much will it cost me to replace.



  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Shouldnt cost you to much if your replacing it yourself... Most will say replace the rear shocks as a pair (Although when i worked at RUK we would only replace single shocks under warranty) Single shouck at a Guess between £50 - £70 from Renault Dealers.


ClioSport Club Member
Think my mate got 2 new rear shicks for around £70 recently, not sure if he got a discount though...
  Monaco Ph2 172
Basically when I'm going around a lefthand corner car feels stiff an there's no movement in the steering wheel. Going right is a different matter, what happen's is the steering wheel feel's alot lighter an it's as if the right front tyre is pulling me out from the corner like oversteering slighty maybe.

Well that's the best way to describe what's happen's.

Also I have noticed that there is oil an grease on my passenger side rear shock, sould this affect any handling issues.

Bizarre. This is what has recently been happening to my Clio - and I would have described it exactly the same as you did. I know the N/S front shock is leaking but wasn't 100% sure that it was the cause of my problem. Now I know... thanks for saving me the trouble! :)

Just got to decide on whether to uprate or not...
