I think that part of the problem isnt just general ignorance to other peoples property but the fact that manufacturers use tin foil for body pannels.
My old 70's ford never once picked up a single parking dint because the pannels were about 4mm thick, you can put a dent in a modern car just pressing the bodywork with your thumb.
The way I see it will just get worse with time because manufacturers are making cars bigger all the time and the quality of body pannels seems to be getting cheaper.
White lines in parking spaces are literally a couple of inches eather side of a new car giving f-all room for doors to open even when you've got someone being careful next to you it's not very comforting.
If you go to the states and hire a big f-off 70's Buick Boat tail Riviera you can still glide into a parking space wide enough to land a 747 in and open your doors properly. This country is tightly packed and we dont have the room for nice big car parks so we all end up with dented doors