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Cat /Manifold DIY fitting kit


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Having owned my 182 for 10 and half years and going through God knows how many fitting kits because they rust away within minutes I thought I'd have a go at making an alternative using all Stainless parts .

I don't know if anybodys interested , but there are the parts I used

M8 x 75mm stainless bolts
M8 stainless locking nuts
M8 x 25mm stainless countersunk washers .
M8 serrated washers.
I used the original springs and had some stainless end caps for the springs made at work.
Time will tell if they last . Surely It can't be any worse than what Renault have to offer. Fingers crossed :tongueout:



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Having owned my 182 for 10 and half years and going through God knows how many fitting kits because they rust away within minutes I thought I'd have a go at making an alternative using all Stainless parts .

I don't know if anybodys interested , but there are the parts I used

M8 x 75mm stainless bolts
M8 stainless locking nuts
M8 x 25mm stainless countersunk washers .
M8 serrated washers.
I used the original springs and had some stainless end caps for the springs made at work.
Time will tell if they last . Surely It can't be any worse than what Renault have to offer. Fingers crossed :tongueout:



Ive had mine on for 6 years with no leaks,the Renault ones seem good quality do you live near the coast or something?


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Ive had mine on for 6 years with no leaks,the Renault ones seem good quality do you live near the coast or something?
It wasn't leaking from there , but the cup it sits in , in the manifold had rusted through again , so one side wasn't holding it on it was just merrily rattling away. I live 30 miles from the coast . I can honestly say , including today I've changed the kit 6 times , always using genuine Renault parts , only once did I use a kit from Northwest performance. Either I'm unlucky or you're lucky lol.


ClioSport Club Member
Can you get the wire ring gasket as a generic part as well?
I meant to measure mine last time I changed it, but totally forgot till I was driving the f**king thing down the road two days later!


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Can you get the wire ring gasket as a generic part as well?
I meant to measure mine last time I changed it, but totally forgot till I was driving the f**king thing down the road two days later!
I used a new one from a Genuine Renault kit I'd had for a while , although the one I took off wasn't in too bad condition .You can buy them on ebay. The seem to be listed under 2.5" donut gasket . You'd probably be able to get one from a local exhaust place.
It wasn't leaking from there , but the cup it sits in , in the manifold had rusted through again , so one side wasn't holding it on it was just merrily rattling away. I live 30 miles from the coast . I can honestly say , including today I've changed the kit 6 times , always using genuine Renault parts , only once did I use a kit from Northwest performance. Either I'm unlucky or you're lucky lol.
I remember those ones from Northwest performance, rubbish fit, had a look at mine last week and the cups where still keeping the bolts in place.
I live in Norwich so its a 22 mile drive to the coast,how odd.
  Clio 182 FF
How's this setup holding up mate? I'm replacing my cat soon and this join is in sh*t state.

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
How's this setup holding up mate? I'm replacing my cat soon and this join is in sh*t state.

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk
It's spot on mate . I still get the occasional blow from the olive joint to centre section end , but the manifold end is fine . It should outlast any Renault kit with it being all stainless and it's certainly hell of alot stronger .
  Clio 182 FF

Won't end up looking like this then! Whoever installed this one last time around forgot the springs and the joints suffered!

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk
  Clio 182 FF
If it ever had, it's long worn away so defo getting stripped down and starting again!

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa

Won't end up looking like this then! Whoever installed this one last time around forgot the springs and the joints suffered!

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk
Looks a proper bodge job :astonished: . Doesn't look as if a gasket was ever fitted , just a nut and bolt . The parts I put a link up for should sort you out no problem , you'll just need to source a gasket . I already had one from a previous kit , although the old one wasn't actually that bad when I took it off .


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Was going to say you should be able to see the gasket between the cat and manifold.

I recently replaced mine with the genuine renault kit, not a difficult job just a bit fiddley. Get some glasses of goggles or something though if you do it on your drive, I got much rust in my eyes when I did mine which was far from ideal.
  Clio 182 FF
Cheers for the heads up on that!

I've managed to source a second hand cat from a user on here, so hopefully fitting up week after next. It's just gotta get through MOT in dec then might go down the decat route.

State of current cat just for everyone's entertainment:


Only bought the car in October and already pumping money into it as it's been neglected for too long [emoji15]

Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
And I thought mine was bad. I'm fitting a decat this weekend and then getting my old cat sleeved for MOT time.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I'm gonna look at getting mine sleeved next year sometime . I wouldn't bother fitting a decat . I had one , it did bugger all. Only increased the noise of my Yozza . I took it off when it was due its MOT then sold it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I'm gonna look at getting mine sleeved next year sometime . I wouldn't bother fitting a decat . I had one , it did bugger all. Only increased the noise of my Yozza . I took it off when it was due its MOT then sold it.

I'm sure we've had this convo in another thread not long back. I need to get my cat sleeved properly as it's drooping badly and causing it to blow. Decat was £25 so thought I'd hear how it sounded for that price and at least I can drive it whilst the cat is getting done.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I'm sure we've had this convo in another thread not long back. I need to get my cat sleeved properly as it's drooping badly and causing it to blow. Decat was £25 so thought I'd hear how it sounded for that price and at least I can drive it whilst the cat is getting done.
Yeah I vaguely remember that conversation . I can understand why you want to try it then . Did you buy a new centre exhaust hanger ? That'll help support the centre section .
  Clio 182 Trophy. No. 189
Having owned my 182 for 10 and half years and going through God knows how many fitting kits because they rust away within minutes I thought I'd have a go at making an alternative using all Stainless parts .

I don't know if anybodys interested , but there are the parts I used

M8 x 75mm stainless bolts
M8 stainless locking nuts
M8 x 25mm stainless countersunk washers .
M8 serrated washers.
I used the original springs and had some stainless end caps for the springs made at work.
Time will tell if they last . Surely It can't be any worse than what Renault have to offer. Fingers crossed :tongueout:




Surprised this kit didn't attract more attention, ive fitted near enough all of the components above and the joint is so much stronger and saves having to continually replace with the full kit. Top work and appreciate all the advice ;)
  Clio 182 Trophy. No. 189
Managed to get the full kit fitted today and used a 2.5" donut gasket from my local motor factors for £3.

Pictures added to show the results.


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  Clio 182 Trophy. No. 189
I followed MRBILLYUK's advice and went for the M8 75mm bolts and locking nuts with his custom made spring 'cups'. You can easily use the original cups and just drill a bigger hole to slide over the bolt but it doesn't look great. The whole setup is then much more durable and only £3 for a gasket rather than £22-£30 depending on your dealer cost for the whole fitting kit which are very weak.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
What springs would you use with this? I'd use the ones on my kit, but the springs are both different...


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
What springs would you use with this? I'd use the ones on my kit, but the springs are both different...
I used the original springs from the Renault kit , they were the only part that hadn't rusted . Maybe you've bought a kit in the past from northwest performance and the springs are slightly different ?
These look the same as the Renault springs , but obviously i can't say 100% for sure or vouch for their quality.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I used the original springs from the Renault kit , they were the only part that hadn't rusted . Maybe you've bought a kit in the past from northwest performance and the springs are slightly different ?
These look the same as the Renault springs , but obviously i can't say 100% for sure or vouch for their quality.
It's a PO who has bodged my cat fitting kit. One side looks like a genuine spring, the other looks like one that was lying around. Cheers for the link. I think i'll just go genuine though for now.
