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CD Player problems!!

  Civic Vtec y0
Was changing my head unit over and took the old one out to discover it was just wired in with induvidual wires connected together and not a connestor block if you know what i mean?

Anyways, took the old one out and tried and tried and tried to get the new one to work but no joy! So I gave up and thought I would just put my old one abck in again! Problem! Theres now no power to any of the wires when the ignition is off or when the car is running!

Any ideas on what the problem could be?


  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Someone has previously had a go at that and saved £4 on an adaptor, is it a Scottish thing:lolup:
You have probably blown the fuses in the process of trying.....start there.
check the fuse for the internal light/ciggy lighter. mine did exactly the same check, checked and double checked the radio fuse which haddnt blown but the internal light had. ??? very strange. replaced it and radio works fine!
  Civic Vtec y0
check the fuse for the internal light/ciggy lighter. mine did exactly the same check, checked and double checked the radio fuse which haddnt blown but the internal light had. ??? very strange. replaced it and radio works fine!
Now you mention it the interior light has stopped working! that looks like the problem!

We will soon see!
