Quote: Originally posted by steveV6 on 30 April 2003
You lot just dont get it!!! Yes the scooby and the evo are technically better and the new nissan too, but hey, none of them look like the v6. Infact there is nothing that looks like the v6 for 27k!! Ive got a mk1 v6 and when that first came out people couldnt stop looking (and still cant) the new vee will be the same. Scoobys and evos dont turn heads. CLIO V6 ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUE!
oh, and bring on my new one

Have to agree with you Steve, I think that Scoobys and Evos are pretty ugly and very boring looking (I realise that they go well) but the V6 Clio is so different and eyecatching and there is not another car which stands out so much. To see a V6 to me is like seeing Concorde as against the other look-alike planes!
Here is my friends ST1 Scooby thing, very noisy but ugly!