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Changing brake pads!!

I bought some new brake pads yesterday and went to my workshop, got it up on the hydraulic lift removed my front wheels and i was stumped! I need a 5 sided allen key to take the brake pad cover off before i can get to the pads! Does anyone have one of these i can use please as the local halfords dont have them!!

Do you know what i am on about?
  (ex-2.0 Hybrid)CorradoVR6

Should just be two bolts that hold the main caliper to the carrier think there 12mm. There are 2 allen key bolts but you dont need to undo these.

so i needto remove the whole caliper right? I thought id be able to do by removing the plate held on by the 2 allen key bolts!


no you remove the pad carrier, not the whole caliper.

its held on by 2 bolts on the back of the caliper......

yes that was what i meant im sure it is held on by 2 allen key bolts, but they aint no normal allen key bolts as they only have 5 sides not six like a allen key!

Am i right? There are 2 size 18 bolts holding the caliper on and the other 2 allen type bolts holding a plate that goes over the top pf the pads! Is tis what i need to remove? Im confused!

Maybe i should take it to a garage!

agreed steve a!

remove the caliper complete!

2 bolts that are at 110nm connecting it to the hub

then the pads simply slide out!

Cheers guys, i was told that you dont need to remove the whole caliper, but thats what im gonna do tomoz!

Mike Wright- Torx are star shaped aint they, like the interior dash screws? The ones im talking about a 5 sided (Pentagon) allen keys not the 6 sided (Hexagon) allen keys! I will take a pic when i change them just to show ya? My RAC Mate had never seen them before!
