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Cheap Dell Lappy

Hi ppl,
If you go to and scroll down to the laptops. There is a Dell Inspiron 1300 for £289 Inc. VAT and Del !!!. I think its a mistake at that price!

Its a pretty basic lappy but one hell of a deal. Its a 1.5GHz Celly, 256mb RAM, 40GB HDD, WiFi Card, DVD -/+R drive. No other deal I have seen on the net can compare.

  RB 182
Try buying it for that price though, I've not been able to, but then again I've probably missed something.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
you have to remove the 3 yrs warranty ot a 1 yr basic iirc.
You can buy it online, its not a phone-in deal. Nothing hard about it :)

edit: also true what Seb says, select the 90 day warrenty.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i want a laptop for wireless bb so i can sit in my bed browsing CS lol would that one suffice? and would the wireless router be ok aswelll that you can add on top?
That oen will be fine for web surfing and basic tasks. Dont expect it to run any games tho. Dont buy the wireless router from dell, too expensive! Get one from or


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
they have just put the price up by the looks of it!!! i can't get it to go thorugh to customise it :(
