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Cheapest place to get a Apple PC

  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
Not sure on the model numbers but the one with the half moon base and an attached monitor. I need to be able to customise it!
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
where's best place to buy one...don't fancy paying apples extortionate rates
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
ok\- thatstyle then. i dont want clutter - simple and i want something that is going to be good for video editing and graphic windows pc is doing my head in
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
Jeez, i can't hit the keys right today!

I want something that is going to look nice on my desk but also be extremly quick.

I have a very high spec PC and photoshop and 3D studio max etc just take the piss
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
are they worth it?they'll create alot of clutter w=with all the leads they'll need where as thei-mac i pressume only have a power lead..?
stop being a tart.

Stick with your PC you are just spending money for the sake of it.

Get everything wireless.

A mac will not be much quicker, and will take you a while to get used to it, depending on what you are like.
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
i used macs alot at previous companies and got used to them as photoshop just runs so much more smoothly

i have a laptop but can't say i'm a great fan of doing graphic design on it :(

its decent spec but have no gfx card!
  Clio V6 MK I, Megane DCi
If you're wanting to do a lot of graphical editing the old i-Mac and new Intel Mac Mini aren't exactly powerhouses. If you want a Mac, go buy one, if you want a fast Mac be prepared to spend a fair chunk of cash.
CS2 does not run "perfectly" on the intel macs, do not expect speed. CS3 will be different :) when released.

Stick with PC. I prefer designing on a PC
  106 GTi
CS2 does not run "perfectly" on the intel macs, do not expect speed. CS3 will be different :) when released.

Stick with PC. I prefer designing on a PC

To be honest CS2 runs shite on Intel Macs, cant wait till CS3 starts shipping as we get it under the upgrade protection scheme FOC.
  106 GTi
He said it does not run perfectly - No it runs far from perfect it runs s**t! Hangs doing pefectly simple tasks, and fails do other ones.

I want to use my old G4 with CS 1 at work at the moment.
  visualize whirled pe
I'm gonna rant now!! Coming from Atari St's to Amigas the Mac was my next port of call.

If you are using your computer for design work I'd go for a mac every time, almost every company I deal with use em, every one of them rates them as the best.
If you just want a home computer I would still get a mac, I love mine, but a diy PC would work out cheaper and more flexable in terms of upgrades.

A grand should get you a second hand G5 with plenty of decent software and an apple studio flat screen. I run a mirror G4 twin and a Titanium powerbook and both (touches wood) have been very reliable up to now and trust me they work a full day without giving me a load of abuse.

The laptop has the hardest life travelling everywhere and still works fine where as my dads Crap'ard Bell is only a year old and the screen flops back on it's self and it's only had occasional use; What I'm saying is the build quality on macs is second to non, plus the bonus is they look like works of art compaired to pc's.

Considering my G4 is over 4 years old it hold up very well, some of the designs I work on have a scratch disk size of 1.5gig and my mac handles them really gracefully, it'll free transforms 300dpi in real time without breaking a sweat. I've only ever spent a few quid on ram as far as upgrades and they are solid bit's of kit and are soooo worth the extra investment.

You will also love using osx.

Yer it is s**t on it, but I try not to be too harsh :p

To be honest, my mac, is bloody slow. I like a quick comp that doesnt take 8 bounces to open stupid safari/FF but hey !!

Also any macromedia package runs pants too, specially flash.

I also find the screen on the macbookpro, not bright enough, and certainly brighter in the center than on the sides.

He said it does not run perfectly - No it runs far from perfect it runs s**t! Hangs doing pefectly simple tasks, and fails do other ones.

I want to use my old G4 with CS 1 at work at the moment.
