Latest pics of my valver. These where taken from the Donny Show
Please give feedback.
You werent quick enough Benjamin! I edited it!Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 13 April 2003
GR.....your 3rd!
The reason i got the sticker on: 1) i like it. 2) I got a feckin large discount on the work from Street Specials for having it.Quote: Originally posted by aaronc on 13 April 2003
To be honest i do prefer a standard bonnet. But that front spoiler looks cool and im sure the interior looks lush.
Ps. why do people advertise someones business on sunstrips? dont get it?
Geezer.Quote: Originally posted by 16v Clio on 13 April 2003
The bonnet is phat mate!! How much did it set you back? I need a number for the place that did yours please.
Because I know the people and see them ever now and then and they also go to shows and so will see my car.Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 13 April 2003
how do they know you still have it on then?
Wheres the maxi part on your clio?Quote: Originally posted by Colin_S on 13 April 2003
Just wanted to compare bonnets. Mine has the straight edges (which i like) but i think the BB bonnet makes the car!!!