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CL10 KMG Gordini 200...A140, Long Stratton, Norfolk...10:10 ish, 5/9/11


ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
That's from thetford mate, seen it a few times but never received a wave or a flash from it lol
Heading Norwich direction and looking very nice!!!


Hi was me on way to work in Norwich after dentist in Diss. Car is No.5 of the 500.

Normally use the old Focus but took Clio out instead.

Go to gym in Thetford.

Did not realise the car was being noticed. Thought it was quite subtle :D



ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
Seen you quite a few times mate, mines not hard to miss really as I have red wheels!
  C3 Picasso Beast
I was in the work van when I saw you so I didn't bother flashing or anything....

As I said though it looked very nice :)
  C3 Picasso Beast
Spotted you again today on Colman Rd in Norwich at about 0830. Once again I was in the work van so no point waving/flashing....
