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Clash of Clans - new clan members needed! Clan: Alpha Team One

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I'm in one called Donut league which is pretty decent. A mix of english/welsh/swedish/USA. Been a member since the game first came out.
  Nissan 350z
So since the last update everytime something completes I am getting spammed by multiple notifications. Is anyone else getting this?


Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Just had a nice raid then, 707k gold, 387k elixir, 5.3k de. :cool: Highest gold I've ever raided. I've seen 920k gold before but that was in masters 2 and I only managed to get half.


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
I clearly don't spend enough time playing as I get slaughtered every time and don't have enough trophys to join and decent clans


ClioSport Club Member
Got this the other day to pass time on nightshifts, addictive as f**k! Whenever I try to attack though I seem to get bases which are much more advanced than mine, I just end up hammering all my soldiers in and get what I can lol seems to be working.

So what is the clan to join?

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
New dark barracks along with level 7 barb and archers coming very soon.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Started this the other day out of boredom. I'm nowhere near joining a clan yet. Haven't done my Castle and I've still got a fair way to go with upgrading gold reserves etc.
Managed to win a few battles. Got to a point on single player where I'm just wasting men. Need to get my barracks up to level 5 for some wall breakers I think.
Quick screenshot of my village


Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
10 days until level 3 lava hounds! :cool:

My ground army is currently - 2 golems, 4 witches, 1 pekka, 21 wizards, 12 wall breakers, 1 goblin, 2 rage & 3 freeze
My air army is - 28 balloons, 20 minions, 2 lava hounds, 3 rage, 2 freeze
  Seat Leon Cupra 290
I need a new clan, got booted out without an answer after about a year with them as I missed two wars due to work. Politics eh.


ClioSport Club Member
It gets so slow with upgrading stuff doesn't it. Still been playing though and recently upgraded town hall to level 7.
I am in a clan and have been since June lasat year. All was well until they launched clan wars. Fu**ing pain in the arse and everyone on there has become a complete tossbag creating another clan for people to move to if they dont want to war then come back inbetween. It is a game ffs, they take it all waaaayyyyy too seriously.


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
I've started playing recently, in 'Dark Slayer' Clan which wars pretty much everyday.


Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I'll join yours now @Jay.S

I have a look at it a few times a day. Not sure what the deal is with clan wars though, do you all have to be on at the same time?


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Just started playing this a few days ago, quite fun but need a clan to join but not a high enough level to get into a decent one!

Quick pic of my village


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Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Why do you have your research lab in the middle @Liam.

Nice base though
Cheers, it's there purely to fill the gap that the TH left. When I'm trophy pushing I put the TH back inside and the lab outside somewhere.
Argh right thought there could be some tactics behind it that I'm missing. I usually have my dark storage in the middle make it harder to steal it. Thought about putting one of your elixir storages in its place as they are bunched together.

I'm far to into this game lol


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I've been playing this since June last year. God it's slow but I still look at if everyday. Only just got level 59 too.


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Been doing a little work on the base but still along way to go before I'm at a really competitive level.


Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I'm having a lot of success using this army
2x golem, 2x pekka, 17x wizard, 3x witch, 2x archer, 12x wallbreaker. 1x Lightning, 2x rage, 2x freeze. If the pekkas & king make it to the middle of the base I'm usually guaranteed 2 stars.

Almost at masters 1 league now, pretty tough!
I've just got my level 6 giants they kickass. I made masters league a few weeks back in order to get 4th builder things just take so long now.


ClioSport Club Member
I've just got it yesterday. Kind of feel like I'm too late everyone else is years in :(

I got an extra 2 builders at the start helps speed things up a lot.

I play everyday recently level'd the town hall to 8 been playing since about august. The clan I'm in now is s**t so need to look for another as winning wars helps a lot with gold and elixir.
