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Cleaning car - Weekly, Monthly and so on

  Clio 182 FF
Hi people,

I've been cleaning my car the past few weeks taking the following steps:

2 Bucket method - Wash using Meguiars gold shampoo and conditioner, Meguiars Microfibre wash mit
Dry down using a microfibre towel,
Meguiars Clay (used twice in a month and every other wash atm)
Polish using Autoglym Super Resin Polish
Wax using Meguiars liquid gold wax

For the wheels I've used:

Autoglym Clean Wheels (not too keen on it seems to be too agressive, acidic?) once,
Mostly just use shampoo and conditioner from the wash wish a crappy halfords brush and sponge

I was just wondering what could be done to speed up the process, if I could use some products which means that I only have to wash instead of running through the other processes? I will continue to do the others monthly at least just sometimes I don't have the time :/

Gonna hopefully machine polish car soon when i get a decent machine polisher :)

Thanks for you help guys :),



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Claying a car every other week is going to give you very bad paint I would imagine. Why so often?
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Aye, you only need to do it when the paint needs it which is going to be every 6 months or so. Same with polishing really.

As long as you're washing fairly frequently and topping up a good layer of wax, you shouldn't need to do anything else on a regular basis.

With the wheels, wax them too. If you have wheel sealant, use it, otherwise get a few layers of wax on them and they should clean off with normal shampoo also.
Clay then wax tehn wash with a bucket and a mit. Wax occasionally once it stops beading.

Redo the clay and wax 6 months later.

You don't need to clay every wash.
  Dodgy one
I wash mine every 3-4 weeks thereabouts,

My paints relatively swirl free, Gets a wax every 6 month or so, Its not been clayed in 2 years and it still feels smooth,

best of all when it is clean it shines very well

Brakes make a pig of my wheels, bit of autoglym clean wheels seems to sort them out though, just leave it to dwell a few minutes and get a paintbrush on it
  Octavia VRS LE
As said you are claying too often, I tend to do it every 5-6 months depending on inspection. I try to wash mine every week using the two bucket method, i used to use Megs but a few people on here pointed me to Dodo Juice Born To Be Mild and I find it to be better than the Megs. I'm not sure about the Meg's but Dodo Juice is PH neutral so it doesn't take any wax or sealants off the paintwork.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep

My car got a polish and seal up (Gtq C2) in October. It's been washed about 3 times since with bucket / suds / mitt. It's still shiny as ever.

Claying 1 or 2 times a year if it's HANGING.

Methinks you need to read the guides to cleaning cars in the detailing section again ;)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I probably detail the car twice a year. Wash every week.

All depends on what kind of protection you have on the car. My car looks freshly detailed after a wash just now. C1 ftw!


ClioSport Club Member
As above, i will filly decontaminate the car, machine polish and seal perhaps once maybe twice in a year if it needs it. The rest of the time i just two bucket wash and top up with a quick detailer with some protection in (currently using wolfs QD and its brilliant)
  Clio 182 FF
Sweet cheers guys! So I can just keep washing and waxing then occationally detail the car? Any recommendations for wheel cleaner and other things that are good?

Cheers for all the replies :)
