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Just a quick one for anyone who does not realise in all the excitement of the snow , clear the roof of your car , the dangers of not doing so are not good , having seen accidents when we lived in Germany and people not doing it (though most realise and do ), you would be amazed at how quickly you can't see when you barke and the entire lot slides forward and covers the screen .
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

Sound advice. Was discussing this with another trucker earlier that there's no education for drivers in the snow. Or people won't listen to advice given. Hence why the country grinds to a halt.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

Happened to me years ago, hadnt bothered clearing the snow off the roof and as I braked fairly hard coming upto a roundabout it all slid down and covered the screen in 3" thick snow which the wipers couldnt move at all to attempt to deal with due to the weight of it all, luckily I managed to come to a safe stop. Its done a VERY good job of stopping me being that lazy/stupid ever since!
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

I would not say they are Mongs , they just have never been educated , most don't realise that the 3 inches of snow on a roof for example stays put for the first bit of a journey , then the heat warms it up a bit , they brake and hey presto , blind .....

the same with driving , be smooth , no sudden movements (acceleration or braking) watch the road ahead and think about the conditions. don't drive too fast , or anywhere near the car in front .

try not to panic , if the abs kicks in try coming off the pedal for a second , if the car starts to slide , don't suddenly lift off , try and keep throttle constant ........ its easy , and believe me we have seen countries who have snow alot descend into chaos when caught out by snow when it come early .
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

Yep, sound advice.

I see people who don't bother clearing anything but the windscreen. Headlights, tail lights and number plates all covered.

I guess they see it as a "laugh" to drive with as much snow on their car as possible!
  MK3 Clio DCI 86
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

Yep, sound advice.

I see people who don't bother clearing anything but the windscreen. Headlights, tail lights and number plates all covered.

I guess they see it as a "laugh" to drive with as much snow on their car as possible!

Really annoys me when I see cars with only the windscreen/lights cleared (It's normally those people carrier type cars lolol)
  182cup & 172 racecar
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

Just a quick one for anyone who does not realise in all the excitement of the snow , clear the roof of your car , the dangers of not doing so are not good , having seen accidents when we lived in Germany and people not doing it (though most realise and do ), you would be amazed at how quickly you can't see when you barke and the entire lot slides forward and covers the screen .

Or if you are following them, and it all decides to come off all in one go.
  Ph1 172 (titanium)
Clear the snow off your roof please

I do believe if your caught with snow on your roof it's a fine and 3 points!
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

i actually thought it was a driving offence to leave it on the roof and drive away, as said its a risk to the vehicles behind when it starts to loosen and disslodge itself.
  172 cup RS2 - 330ci
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please


Stick your head out like a pro


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

I've seen so many people today just put there wipes on and drive off.
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

This happened to a guy driving behind me the other day. I was slowing down to go over a speedbump and he was obviously not watching. He slammed on the brakes and all the snow slid off his roof and covered the entire windscreen. You could see the wipers struggling to clear the snow so he had to get out and wipe it with an ice scraper.

Luckily there was nobody else about or anything.

(I cleared the snow off my roof when I got home after seeing this)
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

A chunk of ice slid off the top of an ASDA lorry a few days ago and hit my windscreen, was doing 70 and it was about the size of a kitchen table. Safe to say I absolutely s**t myself and was sure it had smashed my window.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Re: Clear the snow off your roof please

I've seen so many people today just put there wipes on and drive off.

I did all my windows my mirrors and my lights.

I didn't do my number plates though, as I like to be a bit rebelious.
Good point here, I must admit I only ever considered it coming off the back, not sliding down the windscreen. Suppose I've never braked hard enough in snow conditions for this to happen to me.

That said, while driving home yesterday the snow that's been on my roof since tuesday finally slid down the back and the sound it made made me jump big time, I thought the rear end had gone over a huge pot hole or something until i realised :eek:
I've had a 3" thick sheet of ice/snow slide sideways off my car years ago. s**t myself at first didn't realise what it was.
Last year during the snow the OB set up camp near my work, and were pulling people over who hadn't removed the snow from their cars. They all got 3 points and a nice fine. Serves them right!
Plenty of people out today with tiny clear areas on their windscreens and nothing else, snow covered lights, tailgating, overtaking in 30mph zones etc.
I tell you what in all the years I've been on car forums this is the first time someone has told me to do something sensible that's never occured to me! Fair play

I clear all the windows but just leave the snow on the roof...
Consider it cleared next time I go out though!
  RS6 C7
I think it needs to be covered on the news more!

I had no clue about this nor did a single person at work.

3 Points & a fine is harsh but i can now see it is dangerous.
  ph1 172
With my washer jets constantly freezing on my van, regardless of the strength of washer fluid in there I've found keeping some snow on the roof/bonnet (& those in front of me) helps to clean my screen when it blow/slides onto it, surely a good safety measure :rasp:
Funny how the news simply says 'it's snowing' rather than actual advice to save peoples' lives eh?

I love the one where people have their headlights on but the whole cluster is covered in snow.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I remember watching that video flol. Think it's just down to people being lazy, they can hardly use the excuse oh I didn't realise there was that much snow on there. Although a fiver says people have said that
