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Climate Control not working on 172

  Bumder With A Buffer
Hi guys, Cant use the search function as i get a blank screen for some reason!

Anyway my climate control suddenly stopped working on my 172. No heat or fans!! Theres a ticking noise coming from the engine (looks like some kind of solenoid maybe next to the airfilter connected to the engine). I got it being looked at 2morrow morning but anyone have a clue what might be the problem?? I've cehcked fuses and its not them (well at least i dont think it is!!)

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Thats the aux power relay dropping out, look inside the black plastic box next to the battery.. Replace it.....problem should be gone.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Ok just incase this problemhappens to anyome else this is what it was.....

heater resistor! Renault changed the heater switch (part no 7701051272) which is £85.35!!

Plus £104.25 labour

total Just over £220 quid (i got a discount so it was £200. 49p for me!)
Ok just incase this problemhappens to anyome else this is what it was.....

heater resistor! Renault changed the heater switch (part no 7701051272) which is £85.35!!

Plus £104.25 labour

total Just over £220 quid (i got a discount so it was £200. 49p for me!)

Blimy that a lot for labout its about 10 minutes to ch age that resiter pack at worst that labours for finding the problem and any decinet garages shgould have known thats a common problem.
