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Clio 1.2 03 Mk2 Clio Speakers

  Renault meggy
Hello, could anyone here tell me if these speakers would fit in my car replacing the front door speakers and rear speakers?
Also, how much better will these sound compared to the stock speakers? Does anyone have a spec sheet for the stock clio speakers?

  "Navy" N17 TWO
Not sure on those actual speakers
They would be better than the Kenwood by miles if that's any help
  Renault meggy
Not sure on those actual speakers
They would be better than the Kenwood by miles if that's any help

Thanks for the reply. How easy is it to fit the tweeters and where do they go? Is it the two circles on the dashboard?

  "Navy" N17 TWO
The original tweeters sit behind the dash, but the A-pillars are a better position for them if you want improved sound quality.

Correctly positioned speakers are just as important as the choice of actual equipment
  1 Series Coupe

i fitted these into a mates car about a week ago! they a brilliant components for the money.. i wired them up to a amp, and they are crystal clear... dont know what they sound like not amped, but good speakers all the same...
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Some budget speakers ARE actualy suprising - it is true!

IMHO if you are looking something with better quality, reliability, maybe want to keep for longer - go the extra mile and get a set built by "Audio Manufacturers" - not just a company who is shifting boxes of everything to make the £££
