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clio 172 front standard shock issue

  ph1 black 172
fitted some apex 40mm springs last week.

when changing the drivers side i noticed i could push the shock piston(rod) up and down,

i wanted to know if this was normal.

the problem is i didnt notice the passenger side do when i did it as it was the first one i did.

i know some shocks are gas filled and stay pressurized.

should it do the above? or do i need new shocks


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You can move it yeah. It should still be stiff to do, but they should move.
  ph1 black 172
ummmmmm. its been a while since having a sporty car and i must be getting old.

nice on the bends but not on the bumps (especially due to bristols roads after the snow)
