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Clio ITB TPS sensor help

Evening all.

I’ve fitted a itb kit to my 182.

On the TPS for the Itbs there is only 4 pins but on the 182 looms plug there is 6.

Anyone have any idea what wires I need to cut and put into a new plug for my tps


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ClioSport Club Member
Was this a KTec kit? As from what I am aware they do a connector that goes between the TPS and the loom.

Also what ECU are you running as I had issues with my TPS but that was mainly because it was a Ph1 and their loom is different to a Ph2. I’ve got some details kicking about somewhere about the wiring connection, might be able to search for it in on the forum.
Hi mate, no it’s not a Ktec kit.. they are pure motorsport bodies with an ME221 plug and play ECU.
None of the wires in the original clio 182 throttle body plug go to ECU pins 43,71 or 87 like most have said this is what it needs to be wired to at the ECU.


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  172 Ph1
I will take a look and get back to you.
Every time I see a post about throttle body TPS sensor I get excited 😆 lol .
only kidding , I have some info somewhere as I run a ME221 also but a Ph1 , same as @KitsonRis
  172 Ph1
First of all I think you have the wrong PG TPS sensor , I might be wrong , but all you need is 3 pin one . If a 4 pin is what’s arrived on the throttle bodies then that’s what we will run with then , but I would still double check it is correct or not.

With regards to pin 43 , 71 , 87 , those pins will need to end up at the new tps ok. Those wires all go through the multi plug in the engine fuse box area as they then end up at the throttle pedal . Thats why your not getting a connection from the 6 pin in the picture of the Motorised throttle body plug to those pins . You need to avert you attention to the throttle pedal. That where the wires end up

So if it was me , I would intercept the wires at the white multi plug and de-pin them and label what they are .
One will be 5v power that’s easy to find as it’ll be coming from the ecu and that’s PIN 71
Another one will be the earth for the TPS and that’s PIN 87 , and the Signal wire for the TPS is PIN 43.

If you need any more help just message me .
Thanks for your input mate.. so the 4 pin TPS there is 2 signal wires ( 1 for Right hand fitting 1 for left hand) a +5v and a ground. So I’ve taken the pins 2, 4 and 6 out of the 6 pin throttle body plug… it seems to be all working, just need to get online with the ECU to see if it’s being fed into the right pin at the ECU. I used this diagram….


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Video of it all working.. although it needs to be adjusted slightly to 0v at throttle closed and +5v at wide open.


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  172 Ph1
If pins 7 , 13 , 82 are what you are using then , that‘ll be fine , but I guess the only way you’ll know is by viewing the TPS live info in the tuning software.
Even thou ME have suggested different pins to be used , if your pin 13 signal input doesn’t register , then I would pin swap it to pin 43 and check again .
If pins 7 , 13 , 82 are what you are using then , that‘ll be fine , but I guess the only way you’ll know is by viewing the TPS live info in the tuning software.
Even thou ME have suggested different pins to be used , if your pin 13 signal input doesn’t register , then I would pin swap it to pin 43 and check again .

That was the plan. Let’s see what happens. I’m sure I will find out when i start it. Thank you for your time on this, much appreciated.
