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Clio Mk3 Brake Bleed Help!

  Clio Mk3
Hi There,

Im looking for some advice, I have replaced the passenger front caliper on my girlfriends Clio Mk3 but cant seem to bleed it at all. I have tried bleeding the drivers side and it bleeds fine, I have tried the generic brake bleeding routine by someone pumping the pedal and cracking the nipple etc but all I can get from the passenger front is air and spits of fluid.

I did notice there is a "braking fault" on the dash but dont have the relevant diag tool to show the fault code and not sure if this is related. Im not used to working on Renaults so unsure if the DSC servo has disabled that side or if there is a block somewhere as it was working before. It only got a caliper as it was binding when replacing the discs & pads.

Im not sure if im missing something or if it needs pressure bled. Any help is greatly appreciated 🙏



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  Clio Mk3
You need a pressure bleeder and a good diagnostic to activate the abs block whilst bleeding.
Thanks for the quick reply, I was worried about that as was so confused as to why there was no fluid coming out at all.

Is there any dongles/software I can download or would it need an Autel or similar? I have ForScan for my Focus but not sure if there is something like that for Renault?


ClioSport Moderator
How long were you trying to bleed it for? And how long was the caliper off the car and did you try and block off the brake line when the old caliper was off?

Gunson eesibleed from Halfords would be a good start. leave that to do its thing and you should be getting brake fluid coming out.
  Clio Mk3
How long were you trying to bleed it for? And how long was the caliper off the car and did you try and block off the brake line when the old caliper was off?

Gunson eesibleed from Halfords would be a good start. leave that to do its thing and you should be getting brake fluid coming out.
Hi Gus,

Thanks for getting back to me, I used a pair of those brake hose clamps and it was basically just unscrew the caliper & re-screw the new one so nothing was lieing around for long. I was thinking of picking up the Gunson tomorrow and giving it a go as it plugs into a spare tyre if im correct in thinking? Im not sure if it just needs a good pressure bleed or the ABS pump needs to be activated.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
When you clamped the hose, just check you haven't crushed it too much.

I've seen it happen and it'll cause a restriction in fluid flow.

Sounds plausible seeing as the caliper was only off for a few minutes at most, not enough time for the system to drain causing air.

Take the caliper off again without clamping the hose and let some fluid gravity bleed out, then reattach.
  Clio Mk3
When you clamped the hose, just check you haven't crushed it too much.

I've seen it happen and it'll cause a restriction in fluid flow.

Sounds plausible seeing as the caliper was only off for a few minutes at most, not enough time for the system to drain causing air.

Take the caliper off again without clamping the hose and let some fluid gravity bleed out, then reattach.
Hi James, I dont think I crimped it too tight as just used those plastic hose clamps, I have tried taking the flexi off the caliper but still no fluid just little spits. Would you say it could be the brake hose?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Hi James, I dont think I crimped it too tight as just used those plastic hose clamps, I have tried taking the flexi off the caliper but still no fluid just little spits. Would you say it could be the brake hose?

Shouldn't have crushed it with the plastic clamps like you say, but you never know...

I'm guessing the caliper was working ok before you replaced it? (apart from the binding issue).

You could try taking the flexi off from where it joins to the hardline, if a steady drip of fluid comes from there then you will know it's a problem with the flexi.
  Clio Mk3
Shouldn't have crushed it with the plastic clamps like you say, but you never know...

I'm guessing the caliper was working ok before you replaced it? (apart from the binding issue).

You could try taking the flexi off from where it joins to the hardline, if a steady drip of fluid comes from there then you will know it's a problem with the flexi.
Yeah it was working fine, just seems to be since I crimped it, replaced it and put it back together. Really strange!


ClioSport Club Member
You havent put the wrong side caliper on have you? Causes issues as bleed nipple placement is wrong and you cant bleed them easily.
  Clio Mk3
You havent put the wrong side caliper on have you? Causes issues as bleed nipple placement is wrong and you cant bleed them easily.
I dont think so, I did try taking the flexi off the caliper but still nothing but air/spits. Its making me think I might of damaged the flexi


ClioSport Club Member
I dont think so, I did try taking the flexi off the caliper but still nothing but air/spits. Its making me think I might of damaged the flexi
Thinking about it i dont think its possible to fit them wrong with the way the flexis fit but have seen it done on other cars which makes them more or less impossible to bleed.

Pressure bleed it.
  Clio Mk3
Thinking about it i dont think its possible to fit them wrong with the way the flexis fit but have seen it done on other cars which makes them more or less impossible to bleed.

Pressure bleed it.
I have bought the Gunson Bleeder today and a flexi hose, so once im finished work ill change the hose and pressure bleed it and see if it starts working again. It only ever happens to me ha!


ClioSport Club Member
If you cant get a decent pedal it will need abs block activating and pressure bleeding. Get a load of fluid and keep bleeding in sequence.

The oldskool way to do is wedge the brake pedal down a little to stop the master/abs block draining and change caliper fast. Never let it drain unless changing the full line.
  Clio Mk3
You havent put the wrong side caliper on have you? Causes issues as bleed nipple placement is wrong and you cant bleed them easily.
Little bit of good news tonight, I replaced the flexi hose on the N/S/F and then used the gunson pressure bleeder, it took a good 500ml of fluid before it reached the caliper but its finally all bled. It must of just sucked in a good amount of air during the replacement


ClioSport Club Member
Shouldn't take anywhere near half a litre.

When you tried to bleed it initially, you had a tube into a jar of brake fluid right?

  Clio Mk3
Shouldn't take anywhere near half a litre.

When you tried to bleed it initially, you had a tube into a jar of brake fluid right?

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Yeah I had the hose in a bottle of brake fluid, it needs two bleed screws so will take it into my work replace them and carry out a full pressure bleed to make sure its all okay with no more air but its driving & braking okay right now 🙏


ClioSport Club Member
were you doing it on a level surface? all 4 corners jacked up at the same height? if its not sitting right it will appear that the fluid is full but its just sucking air though, caught me out the first time I done a MK3, makes more sense when you see a side on view of the reservoir
